zanilrig Member


  • I've had that, it sucks. I thought I had appendicitis at first because the pain was on the right side. Hopefully you're feeling better soon!
  • I weighed in yesterday, back to 150 lbs. Whew! SW 155 CW 150 GW 135
  • Omg I totally did that today. I feel awful. No more. I'm eating healthy from here on out.
  • So I haven't checked in lately, but I definitely fell off the healthy diet wagon today, and I can actually feel the difference in my body. I had no idea how terrible I was feeling just due to the junk food. I had nothing healthy today. :( The good news is I don't want to feel like this anymore so I'm motivated to make sure…
  • Hi! My name is Celeste, and I'm 43. I've been on a new "eat healthy fewer calories " kind of diet the last couple of weeks. I work a really physical job at a foundry, (where there is a lot of cookies, cakes, and pies brought in by coworkers) and I'm so tired at the end of the day it's hard to get motivated. I've been doing…
  • I've just gone through the whole thread, I'm loving seeing everyone succeed, bravo to all of you! I'm just starting using MFP, so far I'm loving it. I work in a foundry so I'm very active, but I have to watch the sweets at work. I've been gaining weight slowly the last few years, probably because my metabolism is slowing…