PoppyPlover Member


  • day 4, only 6:30 am but already battling happy hour temptations as memorial day weekend kicks off. Planning to have seltzer and remember plank hip drops when the time comes.
  • Hey. Too late to join? I am on day 2. Checking in helps me stick with it, need to push on through to summer!!
  • I should say I ran 2-3 miles or did cardio fix in addition to whatever the 21 day fix workout was on most days I was running like that before the challenge though so I think it evens out.
  • Woohoo! I lost 8 lbs total as of today. For the whole 21 days, I skipped 3 workouts and went off eating plan 4 times. (all included drinks) I think this result is realistic and better than I thought. Planning to go two more rounds and then who knows. This group was helpful in that checking in helped focus on sticking with…
  • Happy St. Patrick's Day! Can anyone do the plank hip drop exercise in pilates fix all the way through? That is so hard! I plan to keep going for another two rounds of this. Safe travels weber. Keep going bc1003 :)
  • Nice work avoiding the Panda Express!
  • Very true. Thanks.
  • Hi. I spun off the food plan this weekend but did not go completely nuts, which I am seeing as a good thing. I was down 5lbs this morning from the beginning of this so I am hoping weekend didn't set me back to square one.
  • I did 21 day fix last year 3 times in a row and it was the only time I saw changes to my body in about 10 years. (I am 41 and had been running moderately for about 7 years, thought I was eating healthy enough) Food plan made all the difference. You raised 4 kids and get your job done every darn day, the 21 day fix is easy…
  • Good job guys. I am impressed with us!
  • Had a good weekend and good start to week. Drank a ton of tea instead of snacking.
  • I hope you made it through! I ordered chicken with double veggie friday night and felt like screaming "Wait, come back!" to change my order. But of course, so happy about it today.
  • I totally got out of bed yesterday and today becasue of 84wweber! If you can get up at 4:50, 5:30 seems reasonable. Now I am so happy I worked out already and getting ready to make good choices at dinner on friday night.
  • Did the workout and stayed in food guidelines. Woohoo!
  • Yesterday did great with workout and not so great with food plan after 4pm. Today is the opposite but made it outside for a quick walk. Hoping to get it together tomorrow
  • Hi, I am Courtney. The 21 day fix worked great for me last year but I went back to my old snacky ways. The food part is where I get off track so I am hoping participating will keep me focused/honest. I am giving myself $1 every time I stick to eating plan (like make the choice to turn down french fries) and $5 for every…