Kurzweil Member


  • Seeing pictures (plural - not relying on one especially good or especially bad one) helped me quite a bit. I was much more significantly overweight than you (lost 155 lbs), but my brain lies to me. It wasn't like one day it clicked and I never felt fat again. Some days I look in the mirror and feel awesome, other days I…
  • I don't believe fat is the demon the low fat craze has made it out to be, but I personally feel most comfortable with a bit more balance. I think there is a lot about nutritional science we just don't know. I am convinced on the value of keeping carbs lower than standard recommendations, but I'm not convinced there aren't…
  • Bacons Heir Rosemary Pork Clouds. I hate pork rinds in general but these are a totally different texture and flavor. I especially like them topped with a wedge of laughing cow cheese.
  • I'm just getting into maintenance following a massive weight loss. I'm actually increasing exercise. There is a strong correlation between maintaining weight loss and exercise (not nearly as strong of a correlation with weight loss). Exercise is for my health, separate from my weight, so no reason to scale back. I'm…
  • I did not when losing, but daily weighing is an important part of my maintenance plan. I wasn't convinced, but I read "Refuse to Regain" and that helped me see it would be beneficial to me. When I've regained in the past, it always started with skipping a week of weighing in and thinking I could "make it up next week and…
  • Raising my goal weight by 10 lbs and declaring myself officially at goal, shifting into maintenance, was one of the best things I've done. It took me time to emotionally accept it and recognize it wasn't a failure to change my goal, and it isn't permanent if I decide to lose more later, I can. I was putting so much…
  • Did your clothes still fit?! I recently gained about 7 lbs of water weight over the course of 5 days (and then took it off in about the same amount of time), and my clothes were definitely feeling tight! I'm pretty tall as well so it's not like I change sizes that easily. I'm asking partially because I'm going on a big…
  • Two words: Squatty Potty. I was skeptical. But it worked better for me than even high-quality probiotics.
  • Hey Ladies - I'm 31 and have lost 139 lbs, have about 25 to go. I feel like I need support and connection more than ever in this "home stretch" (although maintenance is the real home stretch). I'll send out some friend requests, and I'm thinking it might be great to have a Question of the Day to get us all talking and…