Over roughly 10 yrs I gained 4 stone! Now 39 :# I knew i needed to do something about. My health was going down hill very quickly, it was then or never. Now 3 stone lighter I cannot imagine ever going back there. First 2 stone fell off 3rd stone took longer. My last stone is going to be a struggle but I've got 10 months,…
Thanks for all your comments people, very useful info
I had heard that????
My gym doesn't open till 7am! Up at 6.30 making breakfast n lunches, 7.10 out the door take my partner to work, 7.30ish back, dishes n then get ready, out for work at 8.20. My body is still half asleep till 9am lol
Hmmmm same here
Hi, I'm new too, how do u add people though :) :)
I'm new too. How do u add people pls x
Well said!!!!!
All i can say is when i monitor what i eat u can see it. We all have bad days, just about routine. Plan ur meals out if u can. I have a smoothie on a morning n 2 main meals, few snacks in between. U have done it b 4, u can do it again. Best of luck xx