corrinesheffy1027 Member


  • I've just been using the database I didn't even notice the recipe builder mode
  • Both, put in new weight, new goal and to lose as quick as possible - 2lbs a week
  • I could totally see this being part of the problem! I have been wanting to snack lore than ever and giving in more than I should cuz I figure at this point a snack is better than a cigarette butttt I also don't want to sabotage my progress and I want to keep going and be healthier all around
  • No I haven't been but it sounds like I need to start! I try to be resourceful and measure as much as I can but life has been crazy and I didn't realize it could make such a big difference especially cuz I've lost weight before and it was so easy!!! This time is just not even close!
  • Yes I did! It has me at 1200/day now before I was at 1500 approximately
  • I am shooting for about 40lbs right now by my wedding 7.28.18
  • I will change my diary setting so it's viewable and if anyone wants to add me please do I was thinking the same about the smoking thing and I also have pcos which causes insulin resistance and my Tom isn't always regular I thought that was it but it's been almost 3 weeks now I have stopped weighing myself because it's so…
  • Congrats to everyone on this journey!! I have made it 18 days smoke free as of today! I gave had crazy dreams where I smoke and then realized I had quit and get upset with myself but they are just dreams thank goodness lol I've also been using apps for quitting smoking which have been a big help!
  • Thanks for all the info and encouragement everyone!! Up to 12 days so far, taking it one day at a time
  • Thank you so much, it's really motivating to hear from others who have succeeded!