I need something!!

I have made it to over 60 days on my journey to health. I have successfully not smoked in over 3 weeks. I haven't lost a pound in over 3 weeks now! I log my food and I exercise every day besides once in a while when I take a rest day. I have maybe 3 or 4 bad eating days but I still logged and still exercised. I lost 17lbs in the first 5 weeks and the scale has not budged since then. I'm starting to get frustrated and discouraged...


  • Emmygm
    Emmygm Posts: 80 Member
    If you open up your diary, people can give you some feedback and suggestions!
  • corrinesheffy1027
    corrinesheffy1027 Posts: 12 Member
    I will change my diary setting so it's viewable and if anyone wants to add me please do
    I was thinking the same about the smoking thing and I also have pcos which causes insulin resistance and my Tom isn't always regular I thought that was it but it's been almost 3 weeks now
    I have stopped weighing myself because it's so discouraging
    I don't log my workouts in here but I do with my fitbit app
    And I have set a goal this week to stick to just my daily calorie allowance and to not eat after 8pm
  • corrinesheffy1027
    corrinesheffy1027 Posts: 12 Member
    Way to go! 17 pounds in 5 weeks? That is crazy fast. You need to change your mindset.

    How much do you need to lose?

    I am shooting for about 40lbs right now by my wedding 7.28.18
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    edited March 2018
    I have made it to over 60 days on my journey to health. I have successfully not smoked in over 3 weeks. I haven't lost a pound in over 3 weeks now! I log my food and I exercise every day besides once in a while when I take a rest day. I have maybe 3 or 4 bad eating days but I still logged and still exercised. I lost 17lbs in the first 5 weeks and the scale has not budged since then. I'm starting to get frustrated and discouraged...

    Just a thought, have you re-calculated your caloric needs based on your new weight? The kinda "standard guidance" is to recalculate your MFP Diet/Fitness Profile for every 10-lbs you lose,
    and you're already down 17lbs (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/change_goals_guided )
  • Emmygm
    Emmygm Posts: 80 Member
    Are you using a food scale? Most of the items in your food diary seem to be measured in cups or in pieces. I found a HUGE difference when I began weighing things.
  • corrinesheffy1027
    corrinesheffy1027 Posts: 12 Member
    I have made it to over 60 days on my journey to health. I have successfully not smoked in over 3 weeks. I haven't lost a pound in over 3 weeks now! I log my food and I exercise every day besides once in a while when I take a rest day. I have maybe 3 or 4 bad eating days but I still logged and still exercised. I lost 17lbs in the first 5 weeks and the scale has not budged since then. I'm starting to get frustrated and discouraged...

    Just a thought, have you re-calculated your caloric needs based on your new weight? The kinda "standard guidance" is to recalculate your MFP Diet/Fitness Profile for every 10-lbs you lose,
    and you're already down 17lbs (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/change_goals_guided )

    Yes I did! It has me at 1200/day now before I was at 1500 approximately
  • Emmygm
    Emmygm Posts: 80 Member
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I have made it to over 60 days on my journey to health. I have successfully not smoked in over 3 weeks. I haven't lost a pound in over 3 weeks now! I log my food and I exercise every day besides once in a while when I take a rest day. I have maybe 3 or 4 bad eating days but I still logged and still exercised. I lost 17lbs in the first 5 weeks and the scale has not budged since then. I'm starting to get frustrated and discouraged...

    Just a thought, have you re-calculated your caloric needs based on your new weight? The kinda "standard guidance" is to recalculate your MFP Diet/Fitness Profile for every 10-lbs you lose,
    and you're already down 17lbs (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/change_goals_guided )

    Yes I did! It has me at 1200/day now before I was at 1500 approximately

    Wait, did you just enter your new weight, or did you set a more aggressive goal?
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Being an on again off again smoker I have had this happen to me. You need to weigh and measure your food accurately as when you quit smoking it is quite common to stop losing or even to gain.

    This is usually due to eating more than you think as ex smokers tend to substitute food for the missing ciggy.

    DON'T PANIC but be meticulous in your calorie counting your body will settle down and the weight will start coming off again.

    Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your health and it is incredibly hard to quit so you are doing great. You will soon be reaping the benefits of not poisoning yourself with all the crap in those things.

    Keep going it will be ok and you can do this.

  • corrinesheffy1027
    corrinesheffy1027 Posts: 12 Member
    Emmygm wrote: »
    Are you using a food scale? Most of the items in your food diary seem to be measured in cups or in pieces. I found a HUGE difference when I began weighing things.

    No I haven't been but it sounds like I need to start! I try to be resourceful and measure as much as I can but life has been crazy and I didn't realize it could make such a big difference especially cuz I've lost weight before and it was so easy!!! This time is just not even close!
  • corrinesheffy1027
    corrinesheffy1027 Posts: 12 Member
    Being an on again off again smoker I have had this happen to me. You need to weigh and measure your food accurately as when you quit smoking it is quite common to stop losing or even to gain.

    This is usually due to eating more than you think as ex smokers tend to substitute food for the missing ciggy.

    DON'T PANIC but be meticulous in your calorie counting your body will settle down and the weight will start coming off again.

    Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your health and it is incredibly hard to quit so you are doing great. You will soon be reaping the benefits of not poisoning yourself with all the crap in those things.

    Keep going it will be ok and you can do this.

    I could totally see this being part of the problem! I have been wanting to snack lore than ever and giving in more than I should cuz I figure at this point a snack is better than a cigarette butttt I also don't want to sabotage my progress and I want to keep going and be healthier all around
  • corrinesheffy1027
    corrinesheffy1027 Posts: 12 Member
    I have made it to over 60 days on my journey to health. I have successfully not smoked in over 3 weeks. I haven't lost a pound in over 3 weeks now! I log my food and I exercise every day besides once in a while when I take a rest day. I have maybe 3 or 4 bad eating days but I still logged and still exercised. I lost 17lbs in the first 5 weeks and the scale has not budged since then. I'm starting to get frustrated and discouraged...

    Just a thought, have you re-calculated your caloric needs based on your new weight? The kinda "standard guidance" is to recalculate your MFP Diet/Fitness Profile for every 10-lbs you lose,
    and you're already down 17lbs (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/change_goals_guided )

    Yes I did! It has me at 1200/day now before I was at 1500 approximately

    Wait, did you just enter your new weight, or did you set a more aggressive goal?

    Both, put in new weight, new goal and to lose as quick as possible - 2lbs a week
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Are you using the recipe builder function for your "homemade" entries? (The sauteed veggies and eggplant parm, for example). Or are those entries you found in the database?
  • corrinesheffy1027
    corrinesheffy1027 Posts: 12 Member
    edited March 2018
    AliceDark wrote: »
    Are you using the recipe builder function for your "homemade" entries? (The sauteed veggies and eggplant parm, for example). Or are those entries you found in the database?

    I've just been using the database I didn't even notice the recipe builder mode
  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    AWESOME on quitting smoking! The rest well begin to fall into place. You got a lot of good advice here.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    Are you using the recipe builder function for your "homemade" entries? (The sauteed veggies and eggplant parm, for example). Or are those entries you found in the database?

    I've just been using the database I didn't even notice the recipe builder mode

    Ah. That's going to be a big help in making sure your diary is accurate. Never use another person's "homemade" or "generic" entry; they're guaranteed not to match what you're actually eating. For simpler recipes (like sauteed vegetables, scrambled eggs, PB&J, etc.), it's best to enter all of the component parts separately. (So, if you're making scrambled eggs, enter the eggs and the oil or butter or whatever as separate items). For more complex recipes, use the recipe builder.