nicolemcintosh29 Member


  • PoF...that brings back memories. Not good ones. I went through all of the same thoughts you're having about it being time to get out there, when I was 39. I went onto and inside 2 weeks met my huband. 5 years later he is still the love of my life. So....its worth the stress and anxiety but you might do better on…
  • I do. I have told a few close friends but as for family, so far I have only told 1 of my 2 brothers and his wife. They are the only family I believe will support me. I feel the rest of my family will judge, in particular my parents. Sadly, at 43 I still dread my parents' reaction to my decisions. Luckily, I have a…
  • I need friends so we can help each other stick to our plans. I am having gastric bypass in early summer.
  • I want that too! One of my main goals is to be able to wear the hockey jerseys I have in the closet that right now I can't even squeeze into. I wanna be that sexy girl in jeans and a hockey jersey, you know? And sandals that show my pretty toe nails. Ahhh, such dreams.
  • I'm preop too. I've done my appts with the dietician etc and just need to see the internist before I get my surgery date. I just started to change my eating habits about a week ago and this app is definitely helping. I just can't decide if there is a benefit to me to purchasing the pro version.
  • I'm not in Manitoba and I don't have surgeon info but I wanted to say congratulations to a fellow Canadian on your weight loss. I'm having surgery in the coming months and the excess skin is one thing I am concerned about. I hope you find what you need.
  • I do have questions. I am having surgery in a few months (no date yet), and am trying to follow the eating guidelines given to me by the dietician. The only number she gave me as a goal was 70-100g of protein per day. I am having a very hard time finding out what my daily goals for carbs, fat, sugar etc should be. Does…
  • Brampton, Ontario! Big Leaf fan and big Tim's fan, though I am trying really hard to give up my double double. Double milk is so not the same.
  • Hi. I just had my appts with the dietician, nurse and social worker today and they all gave me the green light. I'm going to be having the bypass surgery though I don't have a date yet. I am in Ontario, near Toronto. I'm very excited, which feels like a weird thing to say about having surgery.