pozorvlak Member


  • This isn't strictly true - long-duration endurance exercise (hillwalking, distance running, mountaineering...) will burn fat at the time. But if you don't maintain a calorie deficit, you'll put that fat right back on. I've gained weight on Alpine mountaineering holidays, because despite doing ten-hour climbing days I was…
  • Rockin2014: you may find the Bridge to 10K programme of interest - it's designed for people in exactly your situation.
  • Thanks! And yes, I agree - but unfortunately marathon training outside throughout a Scottish winter was too much of a challenge for my immune system, and I spent a few days in bed with a nasty chest infection round about week 16 (and then took another couple of weeks to get back up to my pre-infection level of fitness).…
  • I'm no expert, but that sounds completely realistic to me. My training program for a marathon last year was 20 weeks long (starting from "can run 10k comfortably"). That was a bit too short, especially since I missed some time being ill and then recovering, but I was able to complete the race. My time wasn't as good as I'd…