Original starting weight - 254 (nov 25th) March starting weight -216.8 Ultimate goal -215 (#reallytallguy) 1st -216.8 8th-215 7 11th - 213.4 21st - 28th - March total - I hit my goal!!!! 41lbs lost in 4 months! Sorry if I am boasting but I am a private person and haven't even told facebook about it. :p the only people who…
Original starting weight - 254 (nov 25th) January starting weight -239 January end weight - 227 Ultimate goal -215 (#reallytallguy) 1st -227 8th-224 14th -222.5 21st -219.6 29th -216.8 February total - 10.2 1.8lbs from my goal. Woo! I started increasing my calorie intake and changed my fitness pal to lose .5lbs per week.…
Original starting weight - 254 (nov 25th) January starting weight -239 January end weight - 227 Ultimate goal -215 (#reallytallguy) 1st -227 8th-224 14th -222.5 21st - 29th - February total - I'm only 7lbs from my goal! I am so happy with the results so far and it is definitely showing in my body. This morning I…
Original starting weight - 254 (nov 25th) January starting weight -239 January end weight - 227 Ultimate goal -215 (#reallytallguy) 1st -227 8th-224 14th - 21st - 29th - February total - I forgot to check in at the beginning of the month. Oops
Original starting weight - 254 (nov 25th) January starting weight -239 January goal -230 Ultimate goal -215 (#reallytallguy) 1st -239 7th-235 14th -233 21st -231 28th -227.8 31st -227 January total 12 lbs. UPDATE: I was very happy with my results. My diet was extremely strict. I ate to fulfill my BMR. Made sure I hit my…
Original starting weight - 254 (nov 25th) January starting weight -239 January goal -230 Ultimate goal -215 (#reallytallguy) 1st -239 7th-235 14th -233 21st -231 28th -227.8 31st - UPDATE JAN 28th: Feelin' good! My blood pressure in november was 150 over 100 and now it is 110 over 70. I am looking forward to my blood work…
Original starting weight - 254 (nov 25th) January starting weight -239 January goal -230 Ultimate goal -215 (#reallytallguy) 1st -239 7th-235 14th -233 21st -231 28th - UPDATE JAN 21st: I'm still eating well but I definitely miss the fast weight loss I had at the beginning. I'm running a 5k every other day and walking a 3k…
ORIGINAL POST: Hello everyone any happy new year. I started trying to lose weight by changing my eating habits and exercise. I got a one month start on my new years resolution and started in December. My very first run I feel like I only made it 100m before I couldnt breathe(December 3rd). Yesterday I ran a 5k without…
Hello everyone any happy new year. I started trying to lose weight by changing my eating habits and exercise. I got a one month start on my new years resolution and started in December. My very first run I feel like I only made it 100m before I couldnt breathe(December 3rd). Yesterday I ran a 5k without stopping and am…