shmeshica1 Member


  • I'm gluten and egg free. Have been for about two years now. It's an adjustment but it's definitely do able! I've found many foods and thankfully (and sadly) the amount of people celiac are increasing therefore increasing amount of food industries are making and certifying there foods as gluten free! Which is awesome. Good…
  • Name: Jess Age: 24 Height: 5"7 Start Weight (March 1): 145 Goal Weight (April 1):130 Weigh ins (week of...): March 11: March 18: March 25: April 1: Weight -/+ this week:-5! Weight -/+ this month: Successes/struggles this week: Just starting this log! Hoping next week will be similar :)
  • Looking for some motivational friends as well, please add me!
  • 1. How long have you been on your weight loss/fitness journey? I've been on and off the Myfitness app for awhile, since I had my daughter in 2012. 2. What are your wl/fitness goals? 15 pounds, before June! 3. How many starts and stops have you had in your journey? Many! 4. Tell us more about you! I am 24 years old with a 3…
  • You can add me as well if you like! And that goes for anyone else, looking for some good motivational buds :)