Looking for some accountabilibuddies



  • ThatRunningGuy
    ThatRunningGuy Posts: 255 Member
    Sounds good to me! Anyone can add me.
  • Here!!
  • 5thHarmonyx
    5thHarmonyx Posts: 37 Member
    I'm In too :)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Add me if you wish to. I have been doing this for 96 days so far, (longer but I didn't log when my Navy sons came to visit!) Down about 33 lbs, and feeling like a super hero. I have a bunch of people on my list that log in daily and are also super hero's. My journal is open so you can look at what I eat, all yummy stuff!

    If its important to you, your'll find a way. If it's not, you'll find an excuse.

    (I have a pile of index cards with says so I will blast you with motivation mantras!)
  • 5thHarmonyx
    5thHarmonyx Posts: 37 Member
    Add me everyone xx
  • wacky2016
    wacky2016 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in to anyone can add me
  • josephanthony88
    josephanthony88 Posts: 8 Member
    Add me people
  • missjessohh
    missjessohh Posts: 4 Member
    You can add me, I've been on again/off again for a while, but really want to succeed this time! Let's do this!
  • shmeshica1
    shmeshica1 Posts: 5 Member
    You can add me as well if you like! And that goes for anyone else, looking for some good motivational buds :)
  • 45strotter
    45strotter Posts: 7 Member
    Would love to be added too!!! Anyone can friend request me. Still trying to figure out how to do that!!! I really want to lose 20lbs. Have been stuck here for a while!!!
  • misskerri623
    misskerri623 Posts: 6 Member
    This is great!! Anyone feel free to add me!!
  • courtneynix86
    courtneynix86 Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to be held accountable. I have been doing low carb for about four months and have seen very slow progress but would love to get more of a push to work harder. my email is courtneynix86@gmail.com
  • brbogg9809
    brbogg9809 Posts: 1 Member
    add me everyone!!!
  • mrscvargas
    mrscvargas Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to join in as well! I definitely need accountability to stick with my plan! I welcome friend requests and groups.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Everyone who's asking how to friend the original poster, it's simple. Click on the link for her name then click the button labeled "Add Friend".