ecaperton Member


  • My husband and I just started today. We've never done anything like this before so it's all brand new. I'm looking to lose about 40lbs and he wants to lose around 100lbs. We can use all the help and motivation we can get, feel free to add me! :smile:
  • My husband and I are getting ready to Keto. Anyone sharing their diaries so we can get some ideas of what to eat? We would love the support!
  • I'm 32 years old 5'4" and currently 166lbs. I started at 205lbs and have been using MFP religiously since January of this year. My ultimate goal is to get to 130lbs. Here's my before and after.
  • I have been using MFP for about 5 months straight now. Because of it I've been able to lose 30lbs but I still have 50 to go. Always looking for motivation, it seems I'm at the plateau point. In Redlands, jenny79apple feel free to add me I'll be happy to help motivate :)