London, England!
Of course you can!! I hope you have a fabulous time at your daughters wedding!! My new life motto, because this really is a lifestyle change for me not just a diet... Is eat less move more, let's do this!! And keep each other upto date! X
Thanks! I don't have any planning to do! We are eloping to Cyprus for 2 weeks! My main worry is my job, I'm a total workaholic and its shift work, sometimes it's 15 hour shifts (7am-10pm) they are the days in worried about... So my plan of action is... Green smoothie in the morning (this will be about 4:45am before work) A…
Yay! So how's it going?! Have you got THE dress?!
I'm UK too!! Started yesterday... Hi!
Hey!! Me too! I'm brand new on here today! Tying the knot on the beach in September, always been huge, never been too motivated before but I've started swimming every day and having fruit smoothies for breakfast and lunch and then a good meal in the eve... Love reading the motivation and seeing the transformations!! X