daynaxxanne Member


  • Diet soda has things added to it so that suddenly the calories are lower and its supposedly "better" for you. However some of the things in diet soda are actually worse for your body. Things like aspartame, used in many diet sodas and things like gum, are actually more harmful to your body than sugar is. Aspartame was…
  • She's pretty, so if I wasn't straight, yea
  • I struggled with anorexia for years and then it turned into binge eating to try and counteract it. I'd tell myself that starving myself wasn't the answer so I should just eat the food and I'd end up over eating.
  • Recovering from an eating disorder (anorexic turned binge eater), looking for people to help keep me on track and motivated!
  • hey,, feel free to add!
  • Getting ready for an interview, then I'm going to hit the gym for back day before going to work
  • I understand not over working my body. But my workout times are 2-3 hours total including a 20-30 minute stretch/foam rolling, alternating sets with a partner and my cardio so I'm not actually doing 3 hours of constant workouts and some days my cardio and weight sessions are hours apart. I've always been very active and 45…
  • I'm someone who gets 8-10 hours of sleep or I don't function so that's not too much of a problem. As for drinks I only drink water, tea, and smoothies occasionally. But when I drink smoothies I'm adding yogurt and using coconut milk instead of juice and it's typically in replacement of a meal or with small meals such as…
  • I'm pretty good about what I eat, even when I go out I'm watching my intake, and I make sure my meals are balanced. I don't snack much and when I do its on fruits and veggies usually or trail mix. And I'm constantly drinking water. I've been plateaued since December and I'm finding it really hard to gauge how much of the…
  • I do weights and cardio, I increase weights often and never do things in the same order. As for cardio I often switch up machines and I try to get to a pool every now and then. My workouts usually range from an hour to 3 hours. I take drop in classes at my gym when I can too but my work schedule does not allow for that…
  • I eat meat. I understand the ethical side of being vegetarian or vegan, however there are ethical ways to get your meat as well, you just have to be willing to take the time to research the best sources. I eat meat because evolutionarily, our bodies are designed to be able to consume meat, its the reason our teeth are the…
  • Age: 18 Height: 5'5" Heaviest Weight: 145 Current Weight: 140 Goal Weight: 115 Body Fat Percentage: approx. 25%