duckylucky2016 Member


  • What is encouraging is that "they" say fitness it 80% dietary and 20% physical fitness. So the main thing is to be eating right. I just joined a 5 day clean eating challenge group on fb. That will help me get on a good start to mindful consumption! I do need to find my time to schedule physical fitness too tho. We got this!
  • Thanks for starting this group!
  • I'm very sorry for your loss. Grieve as long as you need. I love your motivation! You got this!!
  • 1. How long have you been on your weight loss/fitness journey? I began February 2015. I started MFP last year March just to do the calorie counting, but was in consistent. The app one day gave me lip (something like, "Its been 10 days since you checked in, I don't think you're taking this seriously) so I deleted it. LOL -…
  • Thank you for your post! I love and agree with the power of our thoughts. I need to give myself mental pep-talks regularly. Also, the comment about thinking I can have something hit home as today I though I can have HALF a donut at the office. I have't craved more, but i do wish I held my ground and didn't cave in to the…
  • Hi All! I'm "new"; I began MFP last year and funny story, the app started talking back so I deleted it. I didn't get very involved beyond just counting calories. Hopefully this time I will dive in a little deeper!! Single working mamma of twin toddlers!