dlj140 Member


  • If you have back issues, or joint issues, do water walking. Get in a pool, depth should be between belly button and chest. Walk as quickly as you can, swinging your arms. Do this for 30 minutes. You will burn twice the calories as walking on land, and it will not hurt joints or back.
  • Started 2 weeks ago today at 284.4. I'm 53 and 5'8. I've lost 9.8 pounds and 18" so far. Looking for a strong support team. I'm having trouble adding people, but feel free to add me if you are serious about holding each other accountable!
  • I'm 53. Started MFP 2 weeks ago today. I've lost 9.8 pounds and 18"already. My total goal is 115 pounds to lose. I read a book that got me jump started called the skinny budget diet by Linda Goff. I log every crumb that goes in my mouth. You need a kitchen scale, not just a bathroom scale. Get serious about weighing and…
  • I would like that! I haven't figured out how to use this part, but if it allows you to add me, go ahead, and we can keep each other going.