MissPen2014 Member


  • Good morning all! YAY!!!! 5 days tracking my food in a row!!!!!!!! Busy day today, but I'll check in and read your posts a little later. You all have a good day! MissPen
  • Morning All! thanks for the encouragement! I'm trying to get the hang of posting...ya'll be patient with me! Mary - Shep is adorable!!! I love those ears and bright eyes! Michele - Yes - I figure out the calories per serving when I'm making something new if the nutritional values aren't included with the recipe. Heather in…
  • Dr. Katiebug - you look fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up!
  • Good morning all! I'm just getting back to trying to lose weight and get healthy after being off the wagon for WAY longer than I want to admit. I'm new to this group and frankly, I'm looking for some support and encouragement - and hoping to be able to support and encourage others. A little about me - DH (darling hubby)…