nirola Member


  • No problem. Doesn't really answer the question though lol. Good luck with the cravings, they are the worst. But do get better as others have said.
    in Cravings Comment by nirola March 2016
  • This was long ago, so I don't think I will find the exact article. But here's a start:
    in Cravings Comment by nirola March 2016
  • Interestingly, I read an article that claims the bacteria in your GI tract could be responsible for cravings. If you have a carb heavy diet, certain bacteria thrive. When you cut back, those bacteria that were thriving on carbs get starved out and send distress signals that can actually penetrate the blood-brain barrier!…
    in Cravings Comment by nirola March 2016
  • Make sure you are getting plenty of prebiotics to feed the probiotics! I like the green chews from ItWorks if you're going the supplement route, but you can also get them through your diet through various foods such as raw dandelion greens, raw garlic, raw leeks/onion, raw asparagus or raw wheat bran. Typically, consuming…