
Kiko07 Posts: 9 Member
I have given up most sugars. The normal soda, candy, etc. I have horrible cravings. What can i do to help me fight through this?


  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    Either fit them into your daily calories or avoid them for a couple days and the cravings will reduce. It's like breaking a bad habit. Stay away from it and it gets easier. Or just eat them in moderation. I found restricting them, then slowly allowing them bad in to treat myself allowed me to enjoy them without feeling the need for more
  • Beehappybaby
    Beehappybaby Posts: 43 Member
    How far in are you? When I start to cut carbs I get cravings after a few days for sweet stuff! Generally lasts about 2 weeks and then its gone! I get sugar free jelly (or jello if you're in the US) im a brit! Or alternatively if you really are craving choc, put a bar of dark chocolate (high cocoa content) in the freezer and have 1 small square when you get a craving! Being frozen means its takes longer to melt in your mouth! Or make a cup of cocao with stevia sweetner... !! Or a load or strawberries but they might not have the same effect!
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    When you lower your carbs and sugar, your body feels it for a day or two or a few!! Track your fiber and begin to increase it very slowly (so you don't get too many bubbles!!). Fiber, fats, protein, some slow carbs....those produce a nice steady blood sugar. Hang in there! How low are you taking your carbs btw? I'm not a big proponant of super low least not for me.....maybe okay for some training circumstances.
  • nirola
    nirola Posts: 4 Member
    Interestingly, I read an article that claims the bacteria in your GI tract could be responsible for cravings. If you have a carb heavy diet, certain bacteria thrive. When you cut back, those bacteria that were thriving on carbs get starved out and send distress signals that can actually penetrate the blood-brain barrier! Insane. So, the theory is, you have to wait for new bacteria to establish in you GI tract and then cravings subside.
  • Kiko07
    Kiko07 Posts: 9 Member
    When you lower your carbs and sugar, your body feels it for a day or two or a few!! Track your fiber and begin to increase it very slowly (so you don't get too many bubbles!!). Fiber, fats, protein, some slow carbs....those produce a nice steady blood sugar. Hang in there! How low are you taking your carbs btw? I'm not a big proponant of super low least not for me.....maybe okay for some training circumstances.

    I am at 187 for now.
  • Kiko07
    Kiko07 Posts: 9 Member
    How far in are you? When I start to cut carbs I get cravings after a few days for sweet stuff! Generally lasts about 2 weeks and then its gone! I get sugar free jelly (or jello if you're in the US) im a brit! Or alternatively if you really are craving choc, put a bar of dark chocolate (high cocoa content) in the freezer and have 1 small square when you get a craving! Being frozen means its takes longer to melt in your mouth! Or make a cup of cocao with stevia sweetner... !! Or a load or strawberries but they might not have the same effect!

    Thats a great idea!
  • Kiko07
    Kiko07 Posts: 9 Member
    nirola wrote: »
    Interestingly, I read an article that claims the bacteria in your GI tract could be responsible for cravings. If you have a carb heavy diet, certain bacteria thrive. When you cut back, those bacteria that were thriving on carbs get starved out and send distress signals that can actually penetrate the blood-brain barrier! Insane. So, the theory is, you have to wait for new bacteria to establish in you GI tract and then cravings subside.

    Hmmm do you have that article. Seems like it would be and interesting read.
  • Kiko07
    Kiko07 Posts: 9 Member
    Kiko07 wrote: »
    How far in are you? When I start to cut carbs I get cravings after a few days for sweet stuff! Generally lasts about 2 weeks and then its gone! I get sugar free jelly (or jello if you're in the US) im a brit! Or alternatively if you really are craving choc, put a bar of dark chocolate (high cocoa content) in the freezer and have 1 small square when you get a craving! Being frozen means its takes longer to melt in your mouth! Or make a cup of cocao with stevia sweetner... !! Or a load or strawberries but they might not have the same effect!

    Im a couple weeks in to giving up sugar completely
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    That's a nice amount.
    I aim for 150 or less on normal exercise days. I do walking, some cycling and lifting. If I do extra cardio, I eat a little more carbs if I want them.
    Today is no exercise, so I'm dropping my carb intake down a bit today. I'm pretty used to this level of carb intake, so I am feeling fine. But at first I noticed it and had a headache and bad mood lol
  • nirola
    nirola Posts: 4 Member
    This was long ago, so I don't think I will find the exact article. But here's a start:
  • Kiko07
    Kiko07 Posts: 9 Member
    nirola wrote: »
    This was long ago, so I don't think I will find the exact article. But here's a start:

    Thank you!
  • Kiko07
    Kiko07 Posts: 9 Member
    That's a nice amount.
    I aim for 150 or less on normal exercise days. I do walking, some cycling and lifting. If I do extra cardio, I eat a little more carbs if I want them.
    Today is no exercise, so I'm dropping my carb intake down a bit today. I'm pretty used to this level of carb intake, so I am feeling fine. But at first I noticed it and had a headache and bad mood lol

    Yeah I am deali g with the headaches, which makes me grumpy.
  • nirola
    nirola Posts: 4 Member
    No problem. Doesn't really answer the question though lol. Good luck with the cravings, they are the worst. But do get better as others have said.
  • Kiko07
    Kiko07 Posts: 9 Member
    nirola wrote: »
    No problem. Doesn't really answer the question though lol. Good luck with the cravings, they are the worst. But do get better as others have said.

    It gives me a start!
  • DanSTL82
    DanSTL82 Posts: 156 Member
    Try to go on some long walks. When you exercise a bit, you won't want to "waste" that exercise by eating poorly, doing all that work for nothing.
  • sweetsorrow18
    sweetsorrow18 Posts: 54 Member

    This method has worked for worse craving is usually after dinner, where I really crave a piece of candy or chocolate, so instead I pop a piece of peppermint gum in my mouth. I figured I need to "teach" my craving a new "reward"'s amazing. The chewing helps me keep my mouth moving but my mind is off the craving for a while until I eventually forget about it. Try it!