Thank you! Just freeze frames from videos. 😜
I’m stuck at work. Its slow. Im working night shift. All I can think about are naps and gym time. Do I work out after my shift or nap first?? Maybe I nap right meow… 🤔🧐
I lost 17lbs last year and can now wear catsuits during contortion practice and actually look good in them! 😁 Also working my way up to handstands. Not actually touching the wall in this headstand. 😉
I've got a long list... People who complain all day and night about their woes and life problems, but never actually do anything about it. Couples who stay together for the children but really hate each other. Congrats, you've given your kids the worst example of a healthy relationship. People who late cancel on me. Being…
Thank you!!
Adapt and overcome is my new motto. Sounds like its something you might also live by. I admire that!
Thanks! I always dreamed of being an athlete. I think its still a possibility. If a guy with muscular dystrophy can compete on Ninja Warrior, I like to think I can do something equally amazing. =D
Thats a long time! Why not just do a thyroidectomy?
It must have been difficult for her being so young with such a serious condition! I’m lucky enough to have a background in medicine and was able to identify my condition much earlier than most, which i think gives me a better prognosis. Its definitely taught me to put myself first no matter what. And its taught me to take…
I am cutting for the first time on my own. I've tried many times in the past with trainers but was never successful. I used to wonder why, but it turns out I have a neuromuscular disease! Now that I've started treatment, I've been able to build some muscle. So I am feeling more confident that this cut is going to work.…
It's more fun with a friend! I'll help you stay accountable.
I don't really know much about powerlifting. What do you do? After 13lbs, 10 will be nothing!
That's very exciting! I'd love to hear how it goes.
You'll never really know until you get out there. ;)
Oddly enough diaphragm breathing is something I've forgotten how to do! Not being able to do it automatically has seriously impacted by overall lung capacity I think. =\
That's awesome!! Congratulations! I am currently 5'8" and 128.7lbs 18.5% body fat. Losing weight isn't so much my goal as is losing body fat. I'd like to be at around 16-17%. I've also been having a hard time with my waist size. Three years ago I was 118lbs and 17% body fat with a 23" waist. I feel like I'm more muscular…
I'm currently at 18.5% and working on leaning out a bit more. My current strategy is to mimic the diet of a fitness competitor. A lot of pros list the sort of meals they eat around competition time to maximize body fat loss. They count calories and macros (protein, carbs, fat). You should eat 1g-1.5g protein per pound. I'm…
Not losing baby fat but trying to lean out around and maybe lose 5lbs. ^.^
Me too! What are your goals?