davidmartinez66 Member


  • First, I didn't want to weigh 265, (I am 5'9" ish) so made the decision to throw away the bad foods in the fridge (High Fructose Corn Syrup and the like), without working out and thru the holidays I lost 30 pounds. At my annual physical my doctor suggested 200 pounds would be a good goal. I did that, and this past January,…
  • Hey Jocelyn, Welcome to MFP! This community is very supportive, motivational and informative. Most of us realize we are all in this together, please feel free to add me, I log food and exercise daily and have a great group of friends. Enjoy the journey!! David
  • Hello, I log food and exercise daily and have a great group of friends that root each other on and help out when someone has questions or needs a boost! I also Fitbit as well, I started the weight loss journey in September 2014 and so far have lost 77.8 pounds, been on MFP for 25 days and so far it's gone well logging…
  • I weigh in weekly, I don't get too high or too low if the numbers isn't what I want. Different things work for different folks. I do eat slightly different on the day before a weigh in, but other than that, I do not sweat it. Enjoy your journey! David
  • Hey All, Anyone can add me, I log daily food and exercise and enjoy following the journey of my friends and supporting them in any small way I can. I fitbit as well for those interested. I find the MFP community very motivational and supportive overall so much I am certain I am annoying all my friends not cool enough to be…
  • Hey folks! I log food and exercise daily, also Fitbit and I am very active, so are my friends here as well, very supportive group overall. I am motivated daily by the results and kind words! Good luck to all on the journey, anyone can add me if you like! All the best, David
  • Kelly, The feeling of being overweight is tough, adding depression adds another layer to it, please consider counseling, I am private with my feelings and did counseling when going through a divorce and a few other things at the same time and I felt overwhelmed with life. Consider the counseling part of this journey, you…
  • Been active for the 21 days since I have been on, please add me, anyone if you'd like, I log food and exercise daily and as the head cook in the house, recipes are also a topic! Best Regards to all! David
  • I don't and haven't had cheat days, I have had the occasional regression here and there, but a cookie or a slice of pizza (three slices since Sept 2014) not sure if that is a cheat day. But, account for it and log it and move on to the next day. We have a saying at work "No one died", in the general scheme of things, not a…
  • Hey there and welcome back I guess, I am about 21 days in here, although I started the weight loss journey in September 2014, I am down 77.8 pounds, feel free to friend if you like, I log daily exercise and food and I am the head cook in the house so recipes are always on the table (ha!). I only started at the gym in…
  • Congratulations on the initial success, also recommend measuring your waist as well, I forgot to do that 78 pounds ago, but it's to keep a record. Enjoy the journey, friend if you'd like, I log food and exercise daily and I do support my friends! David
  • Hey Saraa, I gave up the bad foods that the large companies mass produce, anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup and gross things like that, no human should eat these things. I love beer, but it loves me more, so only 2 a week and always out at a pub, never buy it and bring it home. I do drink wine, I log it and account…
  • Welcome to MFP Erin, I am about 20 days in and quite enjoy the motivation from the friends I have made, the community as a whole is very supportive and helpful. Enjoy your journey!! Anyone can add me, I log food and exercise daily and I fitbit as well. David
  • I weigh in Tuesday mornings only, I don't sweat it too much if the number isn't what I am looking for, just work harder over the next week. Do whatever works for you! I have friends that weigh in every day and I believe they drive themselves a bit crazy.... Do you! David
  • Hello All, Anyone can add me, I log daily exercise and food and recipes and such, let's keep each going in the right direction! David
  • Katie, Sorry to hear that. Now time to focus on you? This community will help you along and certainly motivate you as well. What are your goals? How much weight would you like to lose? Please add me, I log food and exercise daily and I fitbit as well, you will be fine!! All the Best David
  • Welcome, Anyone can add me, I fitbit as well, I log food and exercise on MFP daily. You are in the right place the community here is very supportive, you can do this! All the Best! David
  • Hello and welcome. Start by setting up your account with your information and it will let you know the calories you should take in daily, be accountable with your entries, make some friends so they can cheer you along as well. Set realistic goals so you don't get down. Are you going to exercise as well? This is a very good…
  • Hey Danielle, Welcome. I love pizza as well, finding a way to make the crust in a lower fat manner is best, I haven't tried it yet but search for cauliflower pizza crust, looks promising. Avoid soda is a great idea, I drink, water, coffee or wine and sometimes a beer, but I account for it, no soda for me. Anyone else have…
  • Welcome. Feel free to add me, I log daily food and exercise, this is a great motivational community that help you stay on track or get back on track. Enjoy your journey! David
  • I did very well, avoided all chocolates, scalloped potatoes, my own spinach squares, I did have wine, but red wine is both acceptable and I did account for it. The smoked ham was fantastic, had some but I had more of the roasted vegis that I brought. David
  • Hey, losing that much weight is an amazing accomplishment, I am in the gym 6 days a week and long daily so if you'd like to add me, please do, I am down 76 pounds at the moment with about 10 to 12 to go. All the Best, David
  • Hey Melissa and other humans, in Massachusetts. Anyone can friend and I fitbit as well.
  • Well, I have no medical reasons to avoid sodium, I never add it any dish, so a restaurant or a recipe that has a ton really takes some of the enjoyment out of it. PF or any Asian food is tough, sodium is a huge part of the food, I love to cook and create Asian style food, but I haven't quite figured out how to do it…
  • Hi All, I am a few weeks in here, been on a journey since Sept 2014, anyone can add me as I log daily food and exercise and if you fitbit, let me know we can step together as well. David
  • Anyone can add me on Fitbit david.martinez1966@gmail.com :)
  • Close to my goal, 10-12 from where I guess I should stop, not sure how, but I have some pounds to figure that out, not sure you would want my soul, but I am a good cook. :)
  • Hey Bryan, I will add you, always looking for more friend for support and motivation! David
  • Hey there, connection really helps many of us stay motivated as people share success and we also help people along when they are not feeling like they are going in the right direction. Feel free to add me, I log daily food, exercise and I have added recipes as well. Best of luck on the journey! David