laurengleaves123 Member


  • This sounds like exactly what I need. Thank you!
  • I am not trying to lose weight, however I do not want to gain weight unless it is muscle. But when I eat more, I gain weight in my stomach and it is visible. I do measure and weigh all of the food I eat and it is always around 1000 calories, give or take a few.
  • Can you explain what reverse dieting is? I measure all of my food so I do know I am at or under 1000. I would honestly love to be able to eat more
  • Thank you for your advice! I know I'm lean, it just seems that even if I have one bad meal, or even extra calories that are good calories, I'll gain 3 pounds all in my stomach. It's a constant back and forth battle.
  • Thank you! I feel like I might be having the same problem as you. I've been running everyday for about 3 and a half months now, and before I typically ran every now and then and was never really ever this active. I don't get shin splints but the knee pain is a daily thing. I think I will try jogging more often than running!
  • Thank you I appreciate YOUR feedback a lot!! I was eating that little when I was losing weight. It wasn't like I wasn't eating I was just eating a lot of low calorie foods. Lots of vegetables incorporated into each meal which don't maintain much calories. Also a lot of chicken. I just started to feel really hungry a lot…
  • I am not underweight... I was around 130 and wanted to get to 120 and I'm there for the most part some days I am heavier where I'm 122-123 but that's because weight fluctuates. I want to maintain this weight so that I don't gain the weight back. Was just wondering if I could maintain this weight on a higher calorie intake.
  • I am 5'7" and currently 120. Thank you for your advice I will start to eat more! But is it possible to eat more and still maintain my weight as long as I keep exercising?