That's what I have been doing so far but I was wondering if it's what I should be doing
Thank you!
Wow that's amazing!
I just joined, I'm 18
I joined this past week so I need some friends! ❤
Thank you! That's very helpful!
I just started this week...according to the app 5 days and I have not weighed myself yet
When I exercise I burn 150-300 calories each time I'm cardio (different every time 150 is a low it's usually over 200) and I also do some kind of strength training...this doesn't include walking to class, up and down stairs, etc. etc.
Thank you!
Someome above gave a test for me to take to see how active I am...w/out taking that test I have upped the calories to the next program and I feel better...but I still need to take the test
Very helpful thank you!
I don't use artifical sweetener. I like to use honey or agave to sweeten up things like coffee...when I get headaches it's combined with an eye ache and a hungry stomach...and then when I eat I feel as good as new. I think I just need to up my calories because I didn't think I was as active as I am.
Our bodies love carbohydrates, it's what we function on. It's why clean vegans are so healthy. Eating a lot of meat and fat isn't good for your body and can also make you feel icky. I try to eat mostly fruits veggies and carbs with little meat...and 1-2 days a week I eat meatless....
- Very bad for your health and cancer causing! Here is an article from Huffpost with more information! <3