theswanygirl Member


  • I don't use protein powder in my morning smoothies, I use nonfat plain greek yogurt. It has 20 grams of protein plus you get your calcium and it's good for your digestive system. This is my shake recipe- 1 cup unsweetened plain almond milk, 1 cup nonfat plain greek yogurt, 2 T ground flax, 1 cup spinach, 1 cup kale or…
  • I made Hungry Girls clean and green shamrock shakes for my 2 teenage boys this morning. One liked it and the other didn't. Since The one didn't I chose to have it. Only 2 smart points on Weight Watchers so thought I would give it a try. It wasn't bad. Not icecream based but made with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and…
  • I just rejoined WW in January to see what all this new information was with WW. With the incentive to lose 10 pds in 2 months you would get your joiner fee of 3 months back as a refund was a plus. With the new system I found out I could have more points to eat. Its not working out so good. I am not loosing as quickly as I…