pwnowakowska Member


  • ~40g is ~160cal so you can easily create shake with any amount of calories you like. I use huel for few weeks now, as addition to my vegetarian diet, as for me was difficult to find all the proteins, nutriens etc in veggies especialy after I minimalise diary products as they consist lots of fats. I consider being…
    in huel Comment by pwnowakowska March 2016
  • I use Huel for few weeks now, as an addition to my vegetarian diet and I think it works pretty well. I am vegetarian for 16 years now, and I started to gain weight 3 years ago due to my thyroid problems, so I put myself on diet recently. I limited diary food to minimum and started to use Huel, and slowly by slowly I…
    in huel Comment by pwnowakowska March 2016