NatashaPolizzotti Member


  • Yea I've been at a steady deficit for about 5 weeks and have lost 4 pounds so I guess it's not too bad I'm just being impatient. And yes I also lift very heavy and do a push,pull, leg, split so this is definitely increasing my muscle mass which I think is another reason the scale might not be going down as much
  • Yes hun I weigh everything I put into my mouth unless it's water/ zero calories lol.
  • Thank you so much! And yes I do use a food scale
  • The high calorie foods that I mentioned I don't eat anymore I have cut those all out for a while now. And I actually have some cool recipes maybe I'll share some like protein mac and cheese etc. and yes I do use a good scale. I weigh everything down to my sauces lol. Thank you
  • I weigh everything down to my sauces on food scales everyone. Thanks for the suggestion but I already do that, I am very very accurate with my intake. I think what's happening to me is that I am just gaining muscle while losing fat. Because I am losing inches even though the scale isn't moving as much. I just need to be…
  • Yea I try not to eat back my calories either!
  • How long have you been at a deficit? I eat the same amount everyday but I don't eat back my exercise calories at all. I usually burn around 3 to 400 through exercise a day
  • Yea every once and a while I have diet Sunkist and it tastes exactly like the real thing! I eat more flexible I would say I allow myself to have healthy thing that taste good and also fit my macros. And thank you!