s_ting Member


  • Check out Fitness Blender on YouTube. Their HIIT workouts are really great, but you could also do something like their abs workouts for a even quieter workout. I used to quietly lunge side to side in my room to not wake the downstairs neighbors or my roommates when I followed the HIIT workouts, hah.
  • Good luck! I'm a silks junkie here as well, and would love more than anything to have my own rig. One day, when I own my own backyard, I'll make it happen... I have total faith in you winning the bet! I love talking silks and am more of a lurker on MFP, but feel free to chat me up whenever (:
  • 5'2", 24, ~14.5% body fat, 105 lbs. I stretch pretty intensely at least an hour every day and do aerial silks 3 or 4 hours per week. I aim for ~2,000/day and use http://www.health-calc.com/diet/energy-expenditure-advanced for the TDEE calculator, which seems to be fairly accurate based on feedback I've heard from others…