kguenther0 Member


  • I'm 40 and trying to lose 20 lbs, but I can imagine that having treats in the house makes it really difficult. I cannot help myself if they are in sight. Anyway you can get your husband more on board?
  • I'm also 5'8 and 165 looking to be 140ish. I'm not a teacher but I do work with high schools. I'm can't make my self do early morning workouts but I'm hoping to get more active in the evenings. Let's do this! Good luck!!!
  • I think it's easy to get overwhelmed when i look so far down the road. And then I get depressed b/c I don't have enough time to lose the weight I wanted to for this this event or that occasion. Instead, Just focus on today. Eat healthy today and find a way to get some exercise you enjoy. The important thing is to get…