kellyr93 Member


  • Thank you so much to all of you for your kind words ! It's amazing that complete strangers can take the time out of their day to reply to a post and make someone else fee better. I will definitely consider counseling, although the idea still freaks the hell out of me. Thank you all so much, really. It helps more than you…
  • Ohmygosh thank you so much! I never knew about her but I'm so happy you told me about her ! You're awesome <3
  • I have been! I work out tons and I love it. But my mood seems to go down again once I'm done working out. Or maybe tonight is just an extra bad night :/ Glad to know I'm not alone though
  • I have not. The idea of opening up and actually saying my feelings out loud to a stranger gives me great anxiety. But maybe one day I will try..
  • Thanks so much for replying. Your kind words mean a lot
  • Kelly from Ohio ! Just got back on here after deleting it about a year ago. I started my weight loss journey a little over 2 months ago and really needing help with the food aspect. Would love some new friends !