SpaghettiPig Member


  • This study by the University of Cambridge and published in the British Medical Journal looked at the levels of alcohol consumption in nearly 2 million people. It found that moderate alcohol consumption (about 14 units a week) lowered the risk of many, but not all, cardiovascular diseases.…
  • Have been practising IF in different forms (16:8; 20:4; 23:1 depending on how my work day pans out and on how I feel that day) for about 4 weeks. Lost about 14lbs in 4 weeks so seems to be working. Find it almost impossible to reach calorie goal each day (set at 2400 to lose 2lbs a week) an am averaging about 1700. Just…
  • Helpful, thanks. Similar journey - I started at 353 now at 279 in about 6 months. Will add so I can learn from you