tlw2324 Member


  • I've got a lot to lose too and some days it definitely seems overwhelming but I'm going to keep plugging along and you can do it too! I'd love to be your friend and when times get tough we can help get each other through it! Just recognizing that you're ready to jump start your fitness again is a great accomplishment!
  • Would love to be friends!
  • I've been doing 1200 calories a day for a couple of weeks. Mostly low carb because I have type 2 diabetes. I have had to listen to my body and what it needs because everyone is different and reacts to food in a different way. I'd love anyone to add me because I truly believe the more we support each other the better! We're…
  • I'm trying to eat clean and healthy (more veggies and fruits) to try and lose weight plus get my diabetes under control. However, this is new to me and would love to add you as a friend to get some advice! I'm on 1200 calories a day and I've lost 11.2 pounds so far. My diary is open to friends.
  • Would love to add you! Always looking for others to support!
  • I'd love to add some friends for motivation and support! I've been on MFP for several weeks and could use the friendship to keep going!