mokeone1 Member


  • Try to make sure portion sizes are accurate to the labels on the back of the food item, so measuring your food will help. Also maintaining a healthy sleep cycle can help aid in losing weight. Other than that, I'd need more details to better help.
  • Weight yourself every once in the morning every other day or once a week. To get past your phobias, I'd have to say what you described is OCD. Maybe see a phychiatrist for medication to treat it and see a congitive behavior therapist.
  • If you would like tips from me, friend me and send me a message. I'll give you step by step instructions on how to lose weight with food alone that's healthy, motivating, and rewarding. No 2014 in May I weighed 259.5 pounds and got down to 190 with diet alone. If you'd like to learn how I did it, let me know. It may help…
  • Just stay positive, and if you have trouble doing so, replace your negative thoughts of failure and defeat with something positive and uplifting, such as "I can do this. Nothing can keep me from my destiny. I'm a conquerer, and nothing can defeat me." Just replace your negative thoughts of dought, defeat, can not, with…