Weigh Ins Fear

Hi!! I'm honestly too scared to do my weigh ins. It's all because about a year and a half ago, I had a really unhealthy relationship with food and would totally calorie restrict and all I could think of was exercise and calories and weight. I would weigh myself probably twice a day and became obsessed with the number that I saw. I was stressed that I wasn't seeing progress but obviously it's hard to see when you are constantly checking the weight (I don't have an electronic scales) How often should I weigh myself actually and how do I get rid of this phobia?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Frequency is less important than consistency. Do it at the same time under the same conditions (generally first thing in the morning, wearing the same amount of clothing, after using the bathroom and before eating/drinking anything). With your history you're probably better off weighing every 1-2 weeks, or even less, so you don't get tripped up by the daily fluctuations. It's also good to take measurements and progress pictures so you have more to go by than just the scale number.
  • mokeone1
    mokeone1 Posts: 6 Member
    Weight yourself every once in the morning every other day or once a week.

    To get past your phobias, I'd have to say what you described is OCD. Maybe see a phychiatrist for medication to treat it and see a congitive behavior therapist.
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    edited April 2016
    That's a dodgy area if you already know you've had a problem before... could you do without the scales completely, or would that just drive you mad??

    Could you manage once a month? Once a week? I KNOW how temping it is to get on everyday.. but we all go up and down so significantly throughout the week if you are sensitive to it, I can see you easily ending up in the same place you were before.
    Why don't you take a different route this time and take all your body measurements and keep track of those instead? They are much more important than weight no matter how much we rely on the scales.

    And give yourself some slack around the time of the month, after drinking alot of fluid, after working out, whilst you're building muscle etc etc and remember that all those aspects will cause your weight to rise and fall.