I do If most days but you HAVE to be in a calorie deficit to see real weight loss. And if you are maybe its water weight? Too much sodium?
My favorite meals and snacks I stick with and adjust them into my calorie goals so I can eat pizza, cookies,cake, etc, guilt free as long as it's my calories. I'm just looking for new recipes I've never had before. I love cooking and is my passion so I want to expand and explore the horizon for my options.
I've never had sourdough that I can remember. My shopping list is getting long but i'm so excited to meal plan these in.
We are big eaters of any squash so I will def. Add you for new recipes and iseas!
That is impressive. I've seen a lot of people work their butts off to try to tone to mo avail.
I feel so bland with my dinners. Its normally the usual... chilli, burgers, taco, meatloaf, pasghetti, or prepackaged meals. I love when I see or hear of fancy meals. I've never had eggs on food other than toast with breakfast. I need to break from my comfort zone so this thread will help me.
I have never heard of kimchi........ I will run to google now cause this sounds good lol
That does look good. Its freezing here and slammed with snow storm. So I've been on a warm comfort kick too.
You look amazing. Have you had any surgery for skin sag? Of not how is it? You look great and I dont see much of any.
If its homemade I like using pita tortilla, top it with a quarter cup shredded cheese sprinkled with red/green/yellow bell peppers and sometimes spinach leafs. Absolutly delicious,under 200 cal and filling. If its prepackaged/already made then I like smart ones or lean cuisine or el Monterey bean and cheese burritos.
Sit ups. Crunches. Planks. Heck, just standing still and twisting side to side with your core tight for a few minutes I'f you're doing it right you can feel a good burn.
This post made me think about how I have those moments of thoughts when it's a lone human being and I wonder if they're thinking the same thing that I'm thinking about them, that were alone out here doing the same thing but not seeing each other, (like in your case leaving foot prints but not running into eachother).... if…
Im not a Single mom but I have two littles. But I only work out when hubby is at work.. I use my gazelle while baby is crawling on floor or in walker. My almost four year old loves to play with her so when he keeps her company if I'm not cleaning, cooking or napping I jump on
I'm 23 as well. 5'6 and 195 I've been stuck here for a few months. I keep going strong as ever and if I cave in just once or holidays it ruins everything. Just like christmas dinner and I was too tempted with the pie and all these extra calories here I am still eating christmas cookies and what not well after christmas and…
That's incredible! Keep up the good work. Remember one day at a time.