hpacaro Member


  • On most days, I go under Cardio and there is a strength training option so I select that. On Cardio days, I choose regular aerobics.
    in Exercise Comment by hpacaro January 2018
  • I feel like there are 2 kinds of people. Those that have an obvious reason "why" that fuels their motivation - it could be a health scare, people close to them keeping them accountable, a goal that makes them "feel" something, etc.. - or there are people who are just tired of being tired and want a change so they suck it…
  • So much of our journey to better health has to start in our mind first because there will always be someone or something creating a potential barrier. It simply up to us to determine how we will choose to deal with it. It's hard when it's the person whom we should be closest to, but sometimes they are fighting their own…
  • Things that have helped me stay on track (2 years and counting!) -Know why you are doing it and keep reminding yourself every day, especially on those days you struggle -Surround yourself with people that have qualities you aspire to create in yourself -Find something you enjoy doing for exercise and do that! But keep…
  • I would look at the quality of your calories. Are you getting multiple servings of fruits and veggies in every day? Are you eating a lot of processed foods or are you eating real, whole foods? Do you drink at least 64 oz of water every day and no soda? It doesn't have to be perfect, but the more you can progress towards…
  • What are you craving and do you know why? To get rid of them or even just reduce them, you'd have to solve the root cause of your cravings. Examples of sources might include: Emotional eating as a result of a lack or excess in other parts of your life (relationship, career, exercise, etc.), dehydration, imbalance of…
    in Cravings Comment by hpacaro May 2017
  • I think this is a great sentence that highlights the difference between "fit" and "healthy". What I've come to learn is that the two are not synonyms. Some (not all) of the most fit people I know are some of the unhealthiest I know, because they've chosen not to work on their emotional well being with the same discipline…
  • A specific supplement for Adrenal Health that I wasn't able to find right away, so I tried a few and found that Adrenal Health by Emerald Laboratories had the most positive impact on the way I felt. As symptoms improved, I have added Magnesium and Vitamin D to get to a place where I feel I'm at optimum health as long as I…
  • I'm happy to hear that you have resolved your depression with lifestyle changes. One of the supplements I take for Adrenal health does contain Ashwagandha in addition to other things.
  • Out of the two, I would go the Chalean Extreme route personally and having done both, but would recommend 21 Day Fix as a better all around option for weight loss and strength coupled with running.
  • I can speak from experience. I spent several years convinced something was wrong with me after going to multiple doctors and having everything checked out perfectly (on paper, I was the picture of health in every way)... yet, I could barely keep my head up in the afternoons I was so fatigued, I was physically and…
  • I can relate so easily! There is a great Ted Talk called the 5 Second Rule. It's all about how we subconsciously pull the emergency brake on change and keep ourselves from moving forward. After so many aborted missions, you start to convince yourself that living healthy is just not "your thing" so pay attention to the…
  • Have you tried any of the programs you can do at home? So many times we get stuck in thinking it has to be an "either...or" with the gym or working out at home, but it can be both. I teach group fitness but love my at home workouts too... sometimes putting that box around what exercise is supposed to look like is actually…
  • I plan my dinner first since I have to appease the family and then work my way backwards so snacks are filling in the areas that I am short on once I account for my meals. For me, I am almost always short veggies and fruit, so I try and find snacks that can fill the void like cucumbers, carrots, and grapes. What you will…
  • I always workout first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. If I do a second later in the day, then I always wait at least 2 hours between a meal and exercising... with the only exception being a protein shake. If I'm starving but know I need to teach a class then I can drink one about an hour before and still be OK.
  • It is important that you find something you enjoy! If walking feels good to you then that's a great starting point and there are tons of resources online that can help you add variety to that with incline and speed, or even circuits along the way to break it up. If you want a variety of Cardio and Strength, most gyms will…
  • It sounds like your gut instinct is on point and you just need to trust yourself to know when things are healthy and when they aren't. Weight loss and self-esteem are very personal and YOU need to be happy and comfortable with where things are at. It's really not about him and sometimes he may need to be reminded of that.…
  • What you read is aligned with everything I have learned. Gluten is an inflammatory and can show up a lot of different ways, one being joint inflammation. Other common ones are Soy, Dairy, Sugar, Alcohol, and Caffeine. I had similar issues a few years ago. I was tested for celiac (and a million other things) and the tests…
  • I am really close to my ideal weight so I just want to maintain my current weight and continue improving what I put in my body for fuel. First step - more veggies! 4 servings a day is a my goal and right now I'm lucky to get 1 or 2.
  • Longmont, Colorado
  • Have you ever heard of Andrea Beaman? I have heard her speak on this and she's awesome. I'm sure you can get some expert advice by following her online: https://andreabeaman.com/radiate-my-thyroid-what-no-freakin-way/
  • Are you drinking enough water? I am struggling with similar. Based on what you've noted I would look at your sugar. Try to get it all from natural sources. Switch the Peanut Butter with Almond Butter. Consider cutting back on one of the fruits. If the lettuce for lunch is iceberg lettuce see about switching it out for a…
  • Would love to connect, add me!
  • If your goal is toning, H&C an excellent program but it doesn't have much cardio with it. If you are a cardio junkie X3 has more variety but some of it is about trainer style and how it works with your body. I have a lot of shoulder issues so Tony Hortons style tends to disagree with me even though I like him. H&C does…