nyred5 Member


  • Sounds great. Me too please :smiley:
  • Waterbury CT.
  • Right now I'm just playing it by ear. My app keeps saying that after factoring in my exercise I should eat almost 2000 more calories than I've taken in. But truth to tell, if I'm not hungry....I'm not hungry! My intake is usually between1200-1500 cal. When I started ramping up my exercise I'll work in a protein shake.
  • It's a treadmill that can incline to about 40% (most traditional treadmills only do about15%)
  • Enjoy!!! Wish I could join ya!! I reserve Saturdays for just that thing. Gonna grab me some cheesecake!!
  • Thanks so much Paula!! You look fabulous!! I really want this to be a way of life for me. I know I'm eating healthy, and walking 7 miles a day. In the end, wherever I end up has got to be better than where I am now. As long as my doctor isn't trying to stuff another pill down my throat...LOL! Hope I can do half as good as…