Right now I am
Would we have a choice? Lol
I'd kiss her face
Oh yeah look at those legs
That beautiful smile and luscious lips
I love all my beautiful ladies
Of course she does >:)
Hilary duff
I would totally accept she is beautiful
Jealous of the biceps
Dude is feeling good about em self
Accept forsure
I could not
Why not? I could use a wingman
Fuzzy whiskers
The bad girl the QB cheated with lol
Schucks thanks bro o:)
Date forsure
holy crap dude! your doing wonderful!!!! now your gonna start loving it even more, when you start seeing mad muscle definition. keep up this great progress you should be proud!!
those cheek bones <3
10 all day
no, but i would :hushed:
couldnt do it sorry
^^ the chick that always wore the short shorts :open_mouth:
you do need to eat a calorie surplus to add muscle some people eat 400-600+when they bulk on there surplus me personally i just do 150-250 because i want to slowly add the weight on so it does not hit me hard @ once and have a spare tire over night. everyone has there own methods i would play around with these numbers so…