Queen9387 Member


  • Heard of it. never tried it though.
  • Awesome keep up the good work!
  • My initial goal was 165 by June 1st but currently I'm at 163 that's because I've been eating 5,000 calories a day. I've set a new goal which is 180 that's where I'll stop. I started my journey April 2nd. So far so good.
  • Great!! we're around the same weight and have the same goal. But I recently made some changes I now consume 5,000 calories and I weigh 154 but I want to reach 180. 7lbs a week... Are you still using apetamin and mass protein?
  • No I don't have Instagram. You can message me on here if you'd like.
  • ****************************************************************** I'm curious about your advice about NO CARDIOVASCULAR, can you please explain why or what you're thinking here? [/quote] When you're physically active, you burn calories that your body could otherwise store as bodyweight. The more active you are, the Harder…
  • Good luck in your journey!
  • Naturade weight gain powder. Apetamin. Consuming more calories is your best bet.
  • How many calories are you consuming a day?
  • Since you're always on the go be sure to keep a snack on hand at all times ex: fruit snacks.granola bars.oatmeal pies.chips etc... The natural and best way to boost your appetite is to eat a large breakfast and take a multi vitamin everyday! Breakfast basically gets things going and helps you to eat all throughout the day,…
  • I would suggest consuming at least 3,000 calories a day! Eat every three hours and make sure they're large portions, always have a snack in between meals. Make sure to do some strength exercises like squats and core workouts two to three times a week (no cardio) and be sure to eat more calories than you burn!
  • Awesome! Same here eat and drink whatever I want lol just trying to hurry up and reach the goal! How many calories do you usually consume in a day?
  • Think about why you want to gain the weight and stay positive!, I'll also give you encouragement as the weeks progress. Try setting alarms on your phone for every three hours and eat! (3 large meals 3 small snacks everyday!)After a while your appetite will start picking up as well. I understand the stomach issue but six…
  • Hi 11lbs by July is a great goal! All that working out per week making it hard to keep your calories?
  • Hello. Being as though you're so tall I would shoot for 170lbs but make 160 a mini goal then go from there. Try your best to eat every two to three hours. That's great that you always have a snack on hand! The best way to remember your multi vitamin is to keep them on your night stand along side a cup of water. They're…
  • Cool, good to know!
  • Same here! I wanna be more curvy I look so much better with meat on my bones lol. Hopefully you reach your goal!
  • Thanks a lot! Be sure to post your progress every week!
  • Great, good luck!! Post your progress every week, you can do it! Get well soon :)
  • Will do! Weigh yourself every week and post it!... You can do it! you have to be motivated like what's the reason you want to gain weight?
  • Hi! Good luck on your journey! I eat a lot of everything literally lol.... Box macaroni and cheese which is 1200 calories alone. Granola bars, peanut butter smoothie in the morning and one right before bed. Sandwiches, rice one cup of long grain rice is 600 calories. Cereal, chocolate milk, mashed potatoes, chocolate chip…
  • That's great keep up the good work, it takes time I know. Once you get the hang of it you'll be able to add an extra 500 calories! Don't forget to exercise a little.
  • Its pretty easy I just consume small high calorie meals throughout the day all the way til bed time.
  • I just started getting serious about it and using this app again last week. So far I've gained 9lbs.
  • Great, good luck! Are you trying to get fit or become a body builder?
  • Great, good luck! How many calories are you consuming a day?
  • Yogo sounds cool.. I do all the exercises that I mentioned every morning before breakfast to boost my appetite.
  • That's great, good luck! When is your deadline to reach 130 or are you just going til you reach it? I was thinking about the Apetamin but heard it makes you tired and groggy, have you dealt with that?
  • Exercise at home no need for a gym, trying stay fit not lose weight , you got this! (Squats,crunches,sit ups, lunges)