tracefork421 Member


  • Good morning ladies, It's a beautiful, sunny day here in Northern Indiana, but our temperatures are still cool. Working on my lesson for church this morning, because I teach the 3 year old class. Hoping to finish my flowers today and get more weeding done in the flower gardens. Joyce-I admire you for standing up for your…
  • This is a picture of me with my 2 daughters, daughter-in-law and my grandchildren on Mother's Day. I am holding my granddaughter Quinn. I take care of her during the week for my daughter who is expecting her 2nd baby in August. We'll have 7 little grand babies under the age of 5. It is crazy when they're all together but…
  • Good Morning Ladies, I have read your posts, but haven't written for a few days because things have been alittle crazy here. We loved having our family and friends here for Mother's Day. I hope you all had a great day too. Chicks are now in the new coop and doing well and we're building the new garden beds this week.…
  • Good morning ladies, Well it' Indiana's day to vote here, so I'm sure we'll be tuning in all day to see what's happening. It's warming up alittle so I'm anxious to get back out in my flower gardens and get them all spiffed up. The hubs is building raised garden beds for me this year for the vegetable garden. Our project…
  • I can certainly use the support as well
  • Oh Joyce, I'm so glad you went back to the dentist. I think you'll be feeling better in no time. So sorry about the dry socket. I live in Northern Indiana about 25 minutes from Lake Michigan. I'm out until tomorrow. Night all! Jamie from Indiana
  • Good Morning from Indiana, I so enjoy reading all your posts and catching up on your news. I just joined and already have found such joy. Janetr-Sending hugs and prayers to you and your family today. You have been thru a lot. So very sorry. ❤️ Joyce- your tooth may not have formed a clot over it if you rinsed too soon and…
  • Good morning everyone, Janetr-sending prayers to you for you and your family today. Strength to get you through these days. I am off to spend the day with my sister today. Looking forward to some much needed girl time. We got baby chickens and a ducking last week. All are doing well, just waiting for the weather to get…
  • I've only been on a few weeks, supporting each other is a great help. You can add me if you would like.
  • Hi all, I'm so happy to have found this group. I'm 56 and it's great to see the encouragement and support on here. I am trying to log my meals everyday, walk everyday and write off something on my to-do list everyday. Happy Wednesday
  • You can friend me. I'm pretty new but have been logging on everyday. I need to do this!!
  • I just started Saturday. Would love the encouragement of others and to help encourage others. I'm not sure how to join a group though.
  • Hello, I just started using this app on Saturday. Really needing to make some changes. Great to hear your encouraging words.