

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    Question: What is the most amount of weight that you ever lost in one month... and how did you do it? I'd love to hear everyone's responses!

    I lost 10 pounds my first month on MFP....from 183 to 173...I followed the Isagenix program and did not deviate one bit no matter what..weight loss slowed down after that.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Just leaving work after 12 insanely busy hours. Envisioning my one glass of wine i have allocated. Hoping to have some snow peas and hummus so i dont binge like i usually do
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi gals,

    PIP – OH dear!!!!!!! You are ok?

    Larissa – Congrats!!!!

    Michele – Ok so we know the dress is too long with ¾ length sleeves – but color? Style?

    Heather – You are the fondant specialist…. From Michele” I have this Wilton cake mold of a train but the directions call for you to decorate it with these mini stars that you pipe on. I don't think I could do that. I've always had trouble with the pressure for the icing of the stars. Some would be bigger than others. Now I'm wondering ... Could I cover the cake with fondance and just paint the indentations (for the windows, wheels, etc)? Would fondant work?”

    Karen – when I first started one glass of wine was tough for me… and I would have 2 – each ½ wine and ½ calorie free club soda…. Weird but it worked….

    Kim from N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Michele - I have only done the normal round cakes, so I don't know how it would go with a molded cake. I would think butter icing was better, but I probably wouldn't attempt anything so complicated. Good luck!

    Off to Nottingham this morning to see my elder son. I have to take the train to London, get the underground to King's Cross and then another train. :o Long journey, but worth it to see him.

    Talk later.
    Heather UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    First cup of coffee, drinking it with a straw. Almost verbal.

    Chris in MA, woohoo! ;)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Chris what a wonderful post. I loved reading about it all at once!!!! So happy for you.

    Folks I have officially fallen off the wagon. No boots this time. I am resetting my thinking and will take a day or two to catch my breath. Funny how I still after all my happy successes turn to food to sabotage myself. In short within a week I have gained 5 lbs.

    This busy season of mine has a break soon. For now I will just hold on to the sides of the boat, keep bailing water out and not give up (insert rowing emojis determined to reach the shore)

    Karen from my
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    wow didn't wake up until 6am, from around 7:15 last night.. think the pollen is killin me because when I did wake up felt like i had a couple of cocktails ,which I did not..but was a busy day yesterday at work..
    today is a beautiful day and I dont work until 1, gonna try and have a second cup of tea.. and then throw the laundry in the dryer..wont turn it on, but will go up to dads for a few hours.. plus get Toms lunch and dinner together..
    my brother has been sober 4 months now, and is working the program very well. so very proud of him..
    Chris~ so very happy for you.. where God closes a door he opens a window
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning! Happy Wednesday! I don't mean to "wish" time away; but I am so glad the week is half over! My work days are long and weekends seem to be the only time to get anything done...so I am always looking forward to the week end so I can cross things off my list. I have my little three year old girl keeping me company this morning. She talks a blue streak from the time she arrives at 5:30am until she falls asleep/leaves in the early afternoon. Lately, she has decided that she is going to do EVERYTHING herself. She wants to get her own booster seat from the stack of six booster seats that I have, but she HAS to HAVE the one on the bottom. And she HAS to do it herself. So, I stand by and watch her, every morning as she takes each booster off the stack, one at a time, to get to the one on the bottom. Today she went through this exercise, to sit down and eat breakfast, only to eat three bites of pancake, declare that she is full, wash herself and get down from the table! All of that work, for three bites of breakfast. She reminds me of that little girl in the Shel Silverstein poem about the Pancakes.
    Saffron- A few years back I tried the Special K diet and lost 19 pounds in one month. It was great, but it all came back. I was literally eating Special K for two meals and something lo cal for the third meal. Not a very healthy way to get it done.
    Normally for breakfast, because I get up at 4:30, I start with coffee and a protein shake (which equals one meal), then at about 7:00 I have second breakfast. Either a piece of Ezekiel bread with pb, or a couple of eggs, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, and a salad. The egg breakfast is the one I eat after a morning work-out or if I know that I won't be eating lunch until 1:00 or later. Then, I drink tons and tons of water.
    Chris-Wow! Good news all around from you! So happy for you! Your pb/bf sounds like a dream!
    Larisa- Congrats! How could you lose with such a great success story?! I am guessing winning the National contest is contingent on being photographed in certain work out gear to show off your body better? My last fitness challenge I was in had a rule like that. (Nothing makes you feel good about yourself like a photo in a sports bra and spandex shorts when you are 80 pounds over weight :s )
    Love and hugs to all <3 Little Miss Independence needs help in the bathroom!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Pip...are you telling us that you hit a truck's rear view mirror with your shoulder???! I certainly hope that it was minor and that you are ok.
    I was called a tease...Pip is a master teaser.

    Saffron...I lost 7 lbs. the first week I began eating healthy and exercising. I don't think it was a true loss because I was coming off a weekend of eating and drinking when I weighed in. It did give me incentive to keep going though. My progress was 3/4 lb./week on average after that and if I lost 4 lbs. in a month I was thrilled. I logged in everyday, ate 1200 calories/day and burned about 500 calories thru exercise. I tried not to eat my exercise calories back. I watched sodium, prepared my own food (very little processed food), and drank a lot of water. It was very slow but it was consistent.

    I had a working interview before I got this new job so I went in for an afternoon to work with them to see how they worked and if it was a fit. This organization, it's a very large trucking company, employs mainly women, which is a bit unusual for this industry. I noticed that I will probably be the oldest woman there but also....get ready...the thinnest! I suspect there is a lot of eating at the desk, which is what I have done for years, but there is not much movement going on. I will have to establish new routines for myself and one will be to take a walk everyday no matter how short. It may save my sanity as well as my waistline.

    Gotta run, everyone have a great day.
    Chris in MA
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    On the train to Nottingham! :drinker:

    Heather UK
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
  • tracefork421
    tracefork421 Posts: 13 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    I have read your posts, but haven't written for a few days because things have been alittle crazy here. We loved having our family and friends here for Mother's Day. I hope you all had a great day too.
    Chicks are now in the new coop and doing well and we're building the new garden beds this week. Hopefully all our projects will be done by the weekend. Had a Dr. Appt on Monday and she thinks I'm overtired and wants me to get more rest. We'll see how that goes!
    Love hearing all your news and what is happening in your lives. Happy Wednesday to you all.

    Jamie from Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    morning peeps -
    rode in to work from the gym for the 1st time this year. already burned over 900cal and I still need to ride home! :0).

    that thing yesterday... I was riding in Tacoma and it was heavy going home traffic as usual. I was riding on the road as usual (it's a two lane rode both ways) and I saw a car wanting to get on the road that I was on. I stopped so she could go. I was at a stand still and I felt something hit me on the shoulder (the bad one) I wear a backpack so it hit me and the backpack. I quickly turned around and saw the rear view mirror folded in. her window was down and I yelled out, 'be careful!' I don't know what she said but she kept going. I'm glad I wasn't moving cuz she may have made me loose my balance and I coulda crashed. I'm also glad it was a folding rear view mirror. I'm not glad that she wasn't in my lane at the next stop light cuz I would have giving her a tongue lashing like you don't know!

    I told Kirby, he was glad I was ok and no, that won't stop me from riding.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hi all!
    I'm at the hotel and I've got an upgrade! :drinker: That so rarely happens to me! Just made myself a nice cup of tea and I'm having a Quest bar. Calories good so far as I did all my exercises this morning. Got up at 6 am to do them. I had a salmon, seaweed and Edamame bean snack on the train, plus two cups of free tea, water and 100 cal bag of crisps. I splurged out on First Class as I have a Senior Railcard, so one third off. With free drinks etc it is not all that much more. Free WiFi and sockets. I did my Norwegian lessons most of the way!

    My son has just texted me to tell me he has got us theatre tickets for 7.30. BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S. Means a bit of a rushed dinner and not so much time to chat. I will smile and say wonderful, but my choice would be more chat. :*;) Don't like rushing. Never mind.

    Got to get washed and ready in a minute. Love you all.

    Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Leonora: :heart:

    Chris: Congratulations on the good news! :drinker: I'll continue to send good thoughts your way. :smiley:

    Becca: I have a DH, too. Maybe some of the single gals would like to be reminded how nice their lives are. :wink:

    Sue in WA: I'm glad that things are beginning to shape up at home and hope you're able to enjoy life there with the issues resolved. :flowerforyou:

    Aurora & SaffronMeadow2: Losing the most weight possible in a single month is not a healthy or sustainable goal. It has so much potential to make you sick or derail your journey that I worry about you. I wanted to lose weight for DS's wedding and did, but not a whole lot. I was near the beginning of my weight loss journey here, and was counting calories. I had just found MFP and this wonderful group. I found a dress online from Nordstrom's with the help of DD and DDIL, and felt pretty even though I was still big. The bride's mom was about my size at the time, so I was in good company. I still have the dress as a memento. :smiley: You can be pretty just as you are for the wedding, and keep working at getting healthy at the same time. :heart:

    Pip: I'm so glad you weren't hurt by the car contact. :heart:

    Heather: Enjoy your train ride to Nottingham. Wave at the Sherriff for me. :wink:

    The family us up and at 'em and I need to go. We're having a good morning & I want to take my yoga class with my favorite teacher while I can, so I'll be leaving them for a couple of hours this morning. I'll miss him while he is off learning more advanced yoga.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Heather~ have a great time!!!
    worked up at my dad's for 3 hrs and then came home to find a pile of doggie doo on the dining room floor. oh well got it cleaned up and the boys outside, got the stuff out of the dryer and folded and put away, got Toms lunch done and his dinner out and have to be to work by 1... then tomorrow more work at Dads, he is a bit peeved that there has to be 2 microwaves.. first of all he doesnt use them,but he says what next, 2 stoves ,to toasters etc.... I said dad I brought it up as a convienece for my daughter.. not to get in an argument, so take it up with your grandchildren .. not me.. if you cant tell, my daughter and son don't get along, and that is something they will have to work on once they get here.. they are adults and have there querks .. but I have done my job with them now they have to work it out. especially not upset grandpa..for a man who is almost 88 yrs old he is doing quite a bit of stuff... he likes to be of help I just want him overdueing it...he did have a Dr's appt yesterday and passed with flying colors.. usually has to go every 3 months but his Dr said lets bump it to every 6 months... so good for him... I feel much better with Tracy there she will keep a sharp eye on him.. they will be here late on the first of June ,the closing is on the 31st and they want to get an early start on the first, It is about 12 hr drive and Kyle will be driving a small moving truck and towing his car, Tracy will be driving her car with Taliah and the dog .. and they want to get here,but don't want to go crazy..
    can't wait !!! but alot of work until they do get here,I cleaned the dining room so they have somewhere to sit and eat... and they will have there own fridge and microwave.. but will have to share the rest of the kitchen..