

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    We're about 90 miles from the ocean. This critter sleeps all day and barks all night. The dock where it is sleeping is forty feet long & about 3 feet wide, which might give you an idea of how huge California Sea Lions are. It is curled around on the dock and the high point you see is the middle.

    Ohhhh Astoria hates the California sea lions, because they have taken over many docks, eat all the fishermen's salmon, and wait by the fish ramps to get over dams. They are sneaky, smart and ruthless creatures! Astoria has tried those blow up wiggle guys you see at car dealerships, that fake Orca that was drivable but went belly up, and now the metal shop kids at the Astoria High School have built metal gates of some sort. Millions of dollars spent on those creatures that just lounge around. I walked the riverwalk path and the sound they were all making was ear splitting. I feel sorry for all the condos right there, that have to listen to them 24/7.
  • DarthSamson
    DarthSamson Posts: 172 Member
    All hailuskfgdwofa71.jpg
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Annr wrote: »

    Yep Kim, it's truly a wiggle dress now...eck...ack....oooph....Becca

    A few times I was shimmying into a pair of control trop pantyhose and found my husband watching me....and trying not to laugh out loud. Hey, you've gotta do what you gotta do. Wiggle in and wiggle out.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited May 2016
    Just found this location on my iPad...I hope I can find it again because I would like to be a part of this group.
    If you can see the title of this thread ... look for the star to the right edge of the screen ... click it and it will turn a light yellow ... that's the bookmark star and then you can go back to the last page you were on by clicking the star at the top three icons on the right ... a bell, a star, a gear. .. .... /....... oops, just read further down the thread and see someone else also gave you instructions ... hope one or the other works for you.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I wanted to make a stash of 'quick-meat' for the fridge, and saw a thread about using ground turkey the other day .. which just happened to be on sale at my grocery this week ... so I picked up a pound of that and also a pound of hot italian sausage. Made a meat sauce out of those, an onion, a large can of coarsely ground tomatoes, and half a cup of freshly minced parsley... and had a cup of the resulting ragu today. Then ... when I went to log a recipe on MFP for it, I was unhappy to realize just how high in sodium each serving is going to be. Never looked at the nutrition label when I made my purchases. Guess that meat sauce is going to stretch farther than I had planned as I won't be able to eat more than a half-cup measure at one time to keep that element down. Still ... it tastes good.
  • stitch56
    stitch56 Posts: 4 Member
    I so need to watch my salt! Glad you posted this as a reminder! Lol yesterday not so good on salt ,today I correct that!your dish sounds yummy though!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    stat for the day:
    jog- 1hr, 48min, 58sec, 1st 1/4mi walk @ 3.5sp, next 1.75mi jog @ 5.5sp, run 9mi @ 6.2-6.7sp, 134ahr, 146mhr, 9.54ap/min mi, 11mi = 1058cal

    i guess i was able to run it after all
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Meg: Happy birthday! B) Celebrate like a rock star.

    Heather: The photo of DH and DGS is adorable. <3

    We're back from the memorial for my niece's son, Caleb Lennon. Wonderful, but bittersweet, to see so many of the family, from all corners of the country, together in support of the grieving parents and grandparents. The service was exquisite. Moving, but punctuated with humor, especially the many video snippets of Caleb smiling, laughing, playing and just being the sweet, happy boy he was. I felt like the worse aunt ever because I hadn't made it over to Oklahoma to meet him. Lesson learned. Must make more intentional trips to mark happy events; and, I am pledging to take more videos. There was some solace hearing Caleb's voice and seing his energetic feet captured forever via the magic of smartphones. Thank you, friends for the thoughts and prayers. I kindly ask that you keep my niece in your thoughts as she endures the hardest Mothers Day of her young life. :'(:'(:'(

    Cool and rainy here today. Feels good to be packing new swimsuit, shorts and tank tops into my suitcase for Hawaii. I'll be staying with my good friend, and want to bring her something yummy, but healthy. Will try making avocado brownies for the first time. If you've tried them, what do you think?

    Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    "We're about 90 miles from the ocean. This critter sleeps all day and barks all night. The dock where it is sleeping is forty feet long & about 3 feet wide, which might give you an idea of how huge California Sea Lions are. It is curled around on the dock and the high point you see is the middle.

    When we traveled full time in our 5 th wheel trailer,spent a lot of time along the Oregon & Washington coast.
    Stopped once at Seal Beach....once was enough & the smell is still remembered. :s:s:s

  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    No gym today because of newest tattoo but took dog for a nice long walk. Weather nice and sunny good for the mood and made for a nice walk. Was going to cook chicken on the grill but really windy so going to make chicken tacos instead. Love tacos yum yum.

    Meg happy birthday.

    Lenora hope you are feeling better each day.

    Love all the pictures.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I got another message from Mary today and she thanks you all for your warm regards.

    She said:
    " I miss being a part of the group but I'm too weak to keep up and am supposed to try to stay away from strong electrical fields as much as possible."

    :) I thought of her as I did my seated Saturday weight training.

    Send me a personal message if you want her e mail address to send her a personal greeting.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Bathroom almost done, everything but surround, which we need pins for, and a bit of plumbing that the hubby will finish in the a.m. Headed to the ranch (in the ranch Caddy SUV... ;) )for the hot shower we can't take yet at the warehouse, and a good night's sleep. Back to it in the morning, should be able to shower Monday morning before work. If we can't get it all done, might postpone the sale one week. Decide tomorrow. Too tired for words. 14 hours of flat out work isn't as easy as it used to be!

    'Night all!
    Lisa in West Texas
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hello ladies: Got lots done this morning, got some mowing done and some weed whacking. The horses enjoyed the trimmings. DD is in Denver and will be home tomorrow for Mother's Day. I am glad she had a wonderful trip but will be glad to have her help again with the horses and the yard.

    DJ - There are 342 cals in the overnight oatmeal, 11g of protein and 7 g of fiber.

    Lilian - praying for rain for your area. Hope all stay safe.

    Pip - Your senior citizen is looking good I am sure due to the great care you take of him.

    I set a goal of 10000 steps/day for May. I am finding that is quite a push to get that many. I have missed on two days so far.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »

    Yep Kim, it's truly a wiggle dress now...eck...ack....oooph....Becca

    A few times I was shimmying into a pair of control trop pantyhose and found my husband watching me....and trying not to laugh out loud. Hey, you've gotta do what you gotta do. Wiggle in and wiggle out.

    Have you ever tried wearing Spanx. I laughed so hard trying to get into it I could barely stand, but I bought the darn thing and wore it under my dress for one of my older sister's 50th wedding anniversary party.

    Janetr okc
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Yesterday and today Jack and I have been working on redoing the flower bed along the front of the house. I'm pretty sunburned from yesterday. Today I wore a long sleeve shirt with the collar turned up to protect my red neck (no pun intended) :) Today I unloaded 15 bags, 40 pounds each, of top soil while Jack shoveled and leveled it. Also 6 - 20 lbs bags of mulch. I had planted flowers in my big pots on Thursday. It looks amazing. I would not have been able to do all that when I was 125# heavier. My weight workouts three times a week, which includes squats, certainly helped out today. Worn out tho.

    Janetr okc
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited May 2016
    Does the weather affect any one else's eating/cravings? Our weather changed again from the 80's back to the 40's with cold wet rain/sleet/hail/gusty winds. It has felt cold and dreary all day and we get to repeat it again tomorrow.

    When it feels like this I want to head to the kitchen for a hot tea and some comfort snacky things...cookies, nuts etc. So far I have have been able to stop with just the hot tea(s) but man oh man are those other things calling me. :(

    Lillian - Back in 2012 most of Colorado was dry and burning out of control. The city of Colorado Springs had the same type of firestorm as you are experiencing in your neck of the woods. It was frightening and very sad. Near me we had 3 major fires in the mountains and canyons that even today most homes have not rebuilt because they were uninsured.
    I watch the evening news and see the fear and loss you are currently going through. It will come to an end and being the awesome folks you are, you will rebuild and become even stronger as a community and as Canadians. Sending {{{hugs}}} and positive vibes your way. <3

    Charleen in Colorado (Is it Spring yet???)