

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Miriam - That is just wonderful!!!!!!!!!

    Got to go to bed now. Had a lovely day with DSIL. <3

    Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Miriam WOW

    Janetr okc
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    AWWWWW Miriam. That is a keeper, of course you are to. You are one that I have particularly thought about today, the way you have already raised a family, in your years where it is time to enjoy the things You want to do each day instead of always having to think of what your children need. But you have chosen to go back to those days again and be a precious Grandma/Mom to those precious girls.

    We had a wonderful meal at Cracker Barrell. They had many large groups like ours. Waitress said they were running out of plates. I know that it is hard for people on one end of the table to interact with the other end but we all stayed well after our meal was over and some of the other tables had emptied so that we were free to move around. The bill was $145 and my brother paid all of it and a huge tip. Michelle really helped Charlie well find me a gift. Charlie wanted to give it to me here at home but Michelle told him that since he doesn't give me much that I would love receiving it there and let others see me open it. It is beautiful, a ring/necklace set opal surrounded by sapphires to make them look like diamonds. But it is just what I wanted. I don't like the short 18 inch chains that come with these sets. Plus the chain is very fragile. So he bought a stronger 24 inch chain. Michelle checked and it goes over her head and it's a strong chain, not as pretty and dainty chain but that's OK. I wish I could take a picture and post it here but can't figure it out. Also the pics of my siblings taken last night. In one Michelle says I looks so beautiful but I can't figure it out. I had never heard one of my girls say I was beautiful, either when they were young or now so that was so sweet. It is quite a realization to hear your children say you are beautiful when you have never thought so yourself.

    Ta ta for now, Joyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    edited May 2016
    <3:)MIriam, what an awesome poem...you are an amazing woman being willing to raise more children after having already raised one set....hugs to you.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    edited May 2016
    Miriam: Couldn't read your entire post. Something in my eyes. :'( Will try again later. <3

    Katla: Wonderful news about the DGK coming for a visit. Have fun.

    To all the moms and mentors of kids and fur-babies - I salute you for your strength, your smiles, and stalwart love that acts as the glue to our families and communities.

    Colorado Foothills
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited May 2016
    I wasn't going to do too much today, but that plan rarely plays out. I managed to get the lawn mowed, the waterfall water tank cleaned out (yuck!! dead mouse floating in the water all winter!!) the water pump installed and yea! my rock waterfall is up and running for the season!

    3 years ago I hired a small landscape company to come in and build a tumbled stone patio, and do hard scape. Well, the young man and his crew became friends with me. He has often told me I remind him of his Mom who lives in Alabama and he would do anything for her. So in the Spring and the Fall he drops by and checks to see if I need anything done. I see the crew off and on around town all year long. Nicest guys, their Mommas raised them right!

    Friday he showed up and dropped me a nice load of soft screened top soil and large landscape cobble stone as a gift. Sometimes he has extra materials and the client just wants it hauled away. So if its something I might use, he drops by. <3

    My daughter gifted me with several books and a new hummingbird feeder for out on the deck. Just what I was hoping for!

    To all you Moms, I hope you were shown love today for being the special person you are. You are Beautiful!

    Charleen in Colorado
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of Stott Pilates for Weight Loss DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do the last segment of Hot Body Boot Camp DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class (finally!)

    Katla - how wonderful for you that dd and and gk are coming. It's certainly worth getting up early for!

    Glo - congrats to your son

    barbie - sounds to me like you are going to have a wonderful Mother's Day. I get to help clean the filter cartridges for the pool and then I've asked Vince to give me what I got last year -- we trimmed some of the branches on the trees so it's easier to cut the grass.

    Lisa - I'm so sorry about your flooding problems. That's a real bummer

    Lenora - our pool is 77 right now.

    Stephanie - you want to talk exitement? I had a real real exciting mother's day. Bet no one had one as exciting as mine. First I got to help clean the filters for the pool. Then I got to empty the basket from the robotic cleaner. Then...now everyone hold onto your hats....I got to finish powerwashing the driveway! Now you can't get much more exciting than that.

    DJ - Denise called today and said that she was an advertisement for the KFC-flavored nailpolish. My guess would be that it would be sold at KFC places. It just surprises me, you want to deter people from putting their fingers in their mouths, and this encourages it. Oh well...none for me

    Bridget, welcome! So glad to have ya join us

    Mimi - thanks for stopping in. Loved the poem

    Joyce - what a lovely mother's day gift you got! Michelle sure has good taste

    Charleen - how wonderful that that guy will just give you things. Wish I had someone like that.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member

    charleen, I want a friend like yours! They were raised right. And that's what a business needs to do. When they have excess, they need to re-gift it! And then a hummingbird feeder!Our back yard is 1/3 acre so we have room for a nice hardscape but DH (?) wants grass only so it's easy to mow. Earth to Charlie, hardscape isn't mowed!

    My older daughter, the one who in earlier years was always my rock, didn't call during the time frame I thought she should. So I got all uptight. So good dependable Michelle texted her and told her to get off her butt and call me. So finally around 7 we talked and we had a real nice talk. I know I should have mentioned to her how it made me nervous because she always wants very open conversation and keep everything in the open. But I couldn't. And she had a very good reason for not calling me and they were alll because she was just being the kind of person that I love. She had a really rough and busy day serving at church today and it was very physical then they went out to eat and she went home and konked out. I am not insecure in her love, I just felt insecure she hadn't called yet.

    Seems like I have been talking a lot today about insecurities. HMMM, better think about that.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,687 Member
  • lawmiller1
    lawmiller1 Posts: 22 Member
    I will have to get caught up on the reading tomorrow, so I can't respond to anything just wanted to wish all of you lovely ladies a Happy Mother's Day. I had a great day with my husband and son doing a lot of walking at a local mansion and the grounds surrounding it that is now a state park. Legs are tired but extra happy that I managed to stay within my calories considering the french toast breakfast I had!!! Good night.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I had a nice Mother's Day. Jack brought me flowers yesterday and made breakfast for us this morning and then bought dinner this evening. Both girls called. BUT the one that brought tears was Jack's daughter. She texted "Happy Momma's Day" with a lipstick kiss and a heart. Wow first time in the nine years that Jack and I have been together that she has ever done that for me for ANY occassion. I was surprised and pleased. Other than that we really didn't do much all day just relaxed after the last three days of working in the yard. Weather got iffy this evening, there were tornadoes in the western part of Oklahoma, but we didn't even get rain.

    Love you ladies,
    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I did it!!! This is me and my 2 brothers and sister. From left to right, me, my brother Paul then John and my sister Norma. Norma is the oldest although we had a sister die of cancer back in 1967. Norma is the one with cancer, her second cancer. she used to be 5'8" but as you see has really shrunk due to severe spinal diseases. It adds to all her other pains. I am the next oldest then Paul, then John. Paul is the one who took over the job as Dad when Dad died in 1998. He has always had that kind of personality. John was a lifer in the Navy and has a wife with a lot of medical problems, two sons who have enough mental problems to keep Miriam busy all year long so he turned grey even though is the youngest. OK, that is my family.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited May 2016
    It worked!!!!!

    this is the picture of the one day old goat I got to hold and practically listen to her purr as I was putting to sleep. The next picture is the jewelry set Charlie got me for Mother's Day. Very unlike him and it's more of my style for me rather than his style for me. Anything else you want to see? I have found I can upload from my laptop and not my desk top.
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Happy Mother's Day at the last minute. :)

    I received a lovely hand made card from two of my daughters that was covered with "remember when" sayings... like "thanks for teaching us to love to read" and "best road trip game ever... what do you call a hilarious rabbit? A funny bunny" (we used to find rhyming words and use synonyms to give the clues). Just full of things like that. It was great to see what they remembered as being important in their lives, like my allowing them to use the laundry room as a roller skating rink and the real purpose of a pool table (laundry keeper lol)

    My son and his wife came and swam this afternoon and I took my grandson underwater buddy breathing on the scuba gear for the first time. He seemed to like it. We are getting him ready to get certified diving. He is 10.

    My husband and I went to a musical tonight. The Gentlemen's Guide to Love and Murder. It was hilarious. The paper had panned it and said it wasn't that good but it really was good. What do they know. Honestly half the shows they like I hate and the ones they hate I like. I don't trust critics. :)

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
    Joyce it so nice yo see your photos....you & your sibs & gift from DH. I'm new & it helps me get to know this great group that has been together for so long. I wish one could click on each person & get history...I enjoyed Lisa & Lenora giving their history when I first joined & recently someone else Janet in OKC maybe mentioning all the work she could do now (and it was impressive 40 # bags) after losing I'm thinking she said 125#s. It so awesome to get little bits & pieces of your successful journeys to healthy, mindful eating along with your daily life experiences.

    My DH has his every 6 month CTScan this morning & we meet with his Dr. the head of Mass General's Head & Neck Cancer group on Wed...positive thoughts!

    Ordered my new iPhone 6s which arrives Tuesday...can't wait to see what the new camera & 3D Touch is like. I love technology but can't reset the clock in my car!

    I should try to get a little more sleep before sunrise...best wishes...hope the tornados did no damage & fires go out soon in northern Alberta and Lisa gets her paper out without a hitch.

    GLo very wide awake on the North Shore of Ma.
  • StephanieJane2
    StephanieJane2 Posts: 191 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good morning all. Grey old day here in France, rain forecast for later do no cycling, which means basic rations ! Back also bad today, I wish they would operate,but for some reason my doctor is against it, had cortizone injection last month ,and it was bliss for 2 weeks but bad again. Think I m will call, and ask if I can have another injection. Trouble is that here it is so difficult to get anything done, they do so love their red tape !. Have a good day everybody x
    Steph in France x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    Morning dear friends~
    Yesterday was a nice day,got texts from my 2 kids, and my grandaughter called yesterday while Jean and I were up at dads house...she has a british friend, Heather you will get a kick out of this she started speaking with a British accent and she was hilarious.... she sounded really good ..
    Tom washed his car, and mowed the lawn and I went to Doris' suprise party.. we had a great time she was suprised and had a great time...got home around 6:30 and was asleep before 7:15... I had a small glass of wine and drank alot of water.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thanks, Glo in Mass! And everyone with good wishes, thank you...

    My Mother's Day present was being able to take a shower before bed at the warehouse! Little on demand heater worked like a champ. Plus the DH built me 4 tables out of 7x4 clean pallets, with wallboard for tops... 2 hours before I jump in the shower again for work, and work to do!

    Love y'all,
    Happy Monday!
    Lisa in West Texas...busy and happy and CLEAN ;)