

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    you want to talk exitement? I had a real real exciting mother's day. Bet no one had one as exciting as mine. First I got to help clean the filters for the pool. Then I got to empty the basket from the robotic cleaner. Then...now everyone hold onto your hats....I got to finish powerwashing the driveway! Now you can't get much more exciting than that.

    :) that sounds like a great day....spending time with your husband and caring for your pool :)

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Miriam ~ Your adopted daughter is a jewel. And, so very talented. Thanks for sharing.

    Joyce ~ You have a very nice looking family. Your new ring and necklace are so pretty. I didn't know baby goats purred!

    Lisa ~ Congrats on getting your shower finished.

    Had a very nice Mother's Day. Made a pot roast, rice & gravy, green beans, a Parisian salad, and brownies for the Dnl and her mom and the grands. Then we went out in the back yard and played with blow up balls. Champagne too! Konked out after all that!

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning every one! Happy Monday! I got some, but not all of my yard work done on Saturday. Yesterday, I slept in until 8am and got up and started putting together a lunch for my inlaws. I took everything to their home (about an hour away) and cooked/served/ate there. I helped them open their patio and clean up patio chairs and table and we ate our lunch out in the sunshine. Mom-in-law was so happy for the company and the meal cooked by some one else! Dad-in-law happy not to cook. It was a good afternoon. Came home to a quiet house with son at work and hubby sick in bed. Finished cleaning my screens and windows, cleaned floors and bathrooms in house, fixed myself some dinner and ate on the couch watching a movie.
    Miriam- What a sweet poem and lovely tribute to you!
    Joyce- Sounds like you had a wonderful mother's day with your family! You look lovely in the pictures! So happy! Nice looking siblings and that is a beautiful jewelry set!
    Michele- LOL! My day was similar to yours. My two boys had to work, hubby was/is sick and my daughter is now living in Texas, so coming home for Mother's Day was not an option for her. I got out and finished cleaning my screens and windows. Tim (husband) was upset that I was cleaning on Mother's Day; but it is something that I wanted to get done and it just feels good to cross things off that never ending "to-do" list!
    Weighed myself this morning and I lost 3 pounds last week! Whoot! Making myself get that extra cardio in and sticking to my meal plan is the way I need to go! This proves it! Let's see if I can become the Incredible Shrinking Woman...
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Joyce,love the pics of your family & the jewelery is beautiful.Nothing nicer than a get together with family.We had a quiet day of reading,watching tv...golf for me & BB for him. He detailed his truck.......does a great job & enjoys the work.
    Dinner was green beans with potatoes & tiny bit of ham,along with a yummy salad.

    Miriam,your DD is a poet for sure!

    Our Mother's Day was Saturday with DD & SIL at Tx Roadhouse. Meal was YUMM-O
    A long phone call from FL DD capped it off.

    Yesterday,SIL offered to take DD out for dinner.She said,we did that yesterday,time to eat at home. ;) Her Momma's DD.
    They got flowers & herbs planted & a call from their Marine son made their day.

    Weather was so nice all wk end......beginning to rain now.......love rainy days. Our new dryer is coming Wed. The dirty clothes stack fast when laundry can't be done.Time to get busy.....or as busy...not very....as I ever get :) Pat

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
  • SaffronMeadow2
    SaffronMeadow2 Posts: 7 Member
    I’m scared. Over the course of the past three years, my weight has ballooned 36 pounds. Part of it is because my shrink doubled my anti-depressant, and one of the side effects of that anti-depressant is lethargy and weight gain. Part of it is because I’ve gotten comfortable with a boyfriend who I thought would be there forever and love me unconditionally.

    My daughter took me out for a lovely Mother’s Day brunch yesterday. Photos were taken, which I saw this morning on Facebook. I was mortified. I am huge. I quickly removed the “tag” from the photos, hoping that others wouldn’t see how disgusting I look, but it was too late. The photos had numerous “likes” from friends past and present.

    This morning, I stepped on the scale and the news was worse than I imagined: 176 lbs. No wonder I looked so fat in the Mother’s Day photos – I am fat. According to a BMI calculator I found online, I am “obese”.

    I have got to turn things around. Exercise is going to be out of the question for now. I am so tired all the time. The anti-depressant makes me sleepy, and because my boyfriend and I have been having problems, I’ve been taking another med – Xanax – that just increases my sleepiness. Lugging all these extra pounds around probably doesn’t help matters either – it takes such an effort just to get through the day, let alone exercise. Perhaps as I lose weight and start to feel better I’ll have more energy and can add some mild physical activity to my day.

    I guess this post is pretty depressing. I am depressed about all the weight I’ve gained. But more than anything I’m scared. Scared that I can’t do this… scared that I’m going to fail… scared that I won’t be able to lose this weight. Scared that things won’t change.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Saffron ~ Welcome to a caring group of ladies! It sounds like your anti-depressant isn't working. Maybe you need a different one. Yes, xanax can make you sleepy and lethargic. For several years I took it to go to sleep. If you could make yourself exercise it would help lift your depression. All of this is just my opinion so take it for what it's worth...an opinion.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Good Morning everyone ... sounds like it was a 'good' Mother's Day this past Sunday. It was interesting reading about your adventures. My Mother's Day was like all my days are ... quiet and solitary but with connections thans to phones with loved ones. My son sent me an Amazon gift card for Netflix so I can try it out to see if I like the video streaming and my DIL posted a collage of 3 photos of me on FB as a hand-made greeting card. One photo was of my son and granddaughter when she was a little girl, then one of my son and me on his last visit here and the third of myself with my granddaughter form the last time I visited them. All closeup headshots ... and you can see the family resemblence between us. That was a real sweet gesture from my DIL. I'm so happy my son has a wife and daughter that he loves and is happy in his home life.

    Today is check-in day and my weight stayed the same from last Monday. I have a doctor appointment later on this week so I am really looking forward to how my 'official' weigh-in will be. Today's goals seem like a lot of items to do ... but that's my fault for slacking off over the last 3 days. ... cut the grass in the backyard. laundry. kitchen KP and decluttering. Cook Ratatouille for this weeks vegetable sides, a porkchop for tonights dinner, and a yellow-pea soup for this week's lunches.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Sorry you're scared SaffronMeadow. Just take a deep breath and calm down a bit. You've started changing things by admitting to yourself – and others – that you need to change. But change doesn't have to come all at once. One little step at a time is ALSO change. And one little step every day can add up to major change over time.

    Now, don't tell yourself you can't exercise. Instead, tell yourself what you can do. Walk around the block, for example. Or around your house if walking around the block feels overambitious. Or around your chair! Do it. Then do it again tomorrow. And again the next day. It will add up!

    And come back to this thread whenever you like. You'll find plenty of support here!
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I love the family photo. :flowerforyou:

    Miriam: Your daughter's poem is fabulous! She really seems to know you. :heart: Your mom reminds me a bit of my Aunt Betty. She was cute and liked to have a good time.

    Joyce: I love your family photo! :bigsmile:

    Lisa: A nice shower before bed is a wonderful thing! Your DH sounds like a treasure. :smiley:

    I'm up early. Between sea lions barking and DH snoring, bed was not a restful place. DD & the kids arrive late tonight, and 'm the one who will pick them up at the airport. DH says he doesn't want to go along to the airport. We'll see how that works out. I don't particularly want to drive there alone. We're planning to take the kids to the beach while they're here, and the Oregon Coast Aquarium is our main destination. We need to make hotel reservations and get things ready for the trip. We plan to go midweek, school is in session and nobody is having spring break here, so we should have a relatively easy time finding a good place to stay. Perhaps we'll get some sleep. After all, the sea lions are at our house so the coast could be quieter. Maybe. We'll drive there the fastest route, and meander up the coast on the way home. DD wants to go to an outlet mall, and there are a couple of possibilities along the way.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • StephanieJane2
    StephanieJane2 Posts: 191 Member
    You can do it Saffron, just take one step at a time and come here often, the ladies all seem like a great bunch and we will all give you the help we can. Good luck and best wishes x
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited May 2016
    Joyce - I agree, these guys are a glowing credit to their Moms. My previous house was on acreage and it just about killed me with the upkeep, mowing was an all day chore. When I moved to CO I deliberately downsized and then added landscape stone. Now it takes me only 30 mins to mow front and back and the stone was placed as a property border so I have a small firebreak in case the adjoining natural resource area should catch fire. At least you know where your hubby is with all that grass to mow. :D

    SaffronMeadow every journey begins with the first step. I have physical limitations that make it painful to do some of the most common forms of excersise. Get moving, start with something simple - take a walk. Start at a leisurely pace and do not fuss about how short the walk is, it's a start. Keep it simple, no special equipment is needed.

    It may take awhile to feel like 'something is happening' but you will feel better as it becomes easier to breathe, muscles will begin to feel stronger and you will feel like things are getting easier to do. My daughter told me last night that just by taking my walks I am doing 100% more excersise than the nearest couch potato. I like that thought alot. B) It's quickly become my motivation when it feels like I can't get moving. Feel free to borrow it. :p

    Charleen in Colorado (Today will be a good day!)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good afternoon everyone! <3

    Phew! I've been so busy with all this socialising that I've hardly had time to do anything on here. I have read through all now. Here's a picture of DSIL and DH having our cream tea in the garden yesterday. Luckily I did an extra 75 min walk in the afternoon to accommodate my scone and jam and cream. As I had done my morning exercises I only went over for 250 on the whole day. o:)


    We even did our exercises this morning while DSIL caught up with admin. Then she went home, I went next door to shout at the builders for having their radio on too loud and then we went to the supermarket to pick up our Norwegian kroner we had ordered and spend our money off vouchers. Of course, we ended up buying some luxury items we would not normally have bought. >:) They've gone in the freezer for a future celebration.

    Tomorrow is the anniversary of the birth/death day of my stillborn daughter Kate. I bought some beautiful tulips to remember her by. She would have been 38 tomorrow.

    Best wishes, Katla, for your upcoming visit. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce - Lovely photos! I so love to see what people look like when you have talked about them. And nice jewellery too. <3

    Lovely also to see the old photos of mothers. I will post one of my mum and dad when I can get round to it. :) Thank you.

    I'm looking forward to seeing my elder son on Wednesday. We have fixed a time to meet in my hotel bar. :drinker: He is in the process of adopting two retired greyhounds. Never owned dogs before, but has had serious girlfriends with dogs, so he knows a bit. I will try to capture a pic of them from Facebook. He feels quite nervous about it, but he really adores dogs.

    Love Heather UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Grey one is Hazel and the black one is her sister Flo. He is currently going through the home checks.



    Heather UK

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    morning peeps -

    have you heard about soap helping with leg or foot cramps? I have and decided to try it Saturday night since I had run the 11 miles, I knew it would happen, even with all the walk, slow run then standard run then slow run again.. walking to cool down, etc.... it worked.. I was doubtful but I was amazed.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    still feel like crap, hate having to blow my nose all the time!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Heather, so sorry to hear about Kate. Tulips sound wonderful.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    morning peeps -

    have you heard about soap helping with leg or foot cramps? I have and decided to try it Saturday night since I had run the 11 miles, I knew it would happen, even with all the walk, slow run then standard run then slow run again.. walking to cool down, etc.... it worked.. I was doubtful but I was amazed.

    How does the soap thing work? Besides clean off the dirt lol

    Janetr OKC