

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DrKatieBug - I too like the sleeves on Michele's yellow dress. Just a matter of preference I suppose. I agree with Miriam, even after having both knees replaced, sitting in one position for very long including laying in bed, makes them very stiff and painful.

    Really struggling with wanting to eat in the evenings up until bed time. I do fine all day when I'm busy, but night time brings on the grazing mind set. I'm not hungry really just want to eat. Ugh, old habits die hard. But I am sticking to my three cardio workouts and three weight resistance workouts each week. On Tuesday I walked on the treadmill for an hour and 15 minutes without knee braces, first time ever. Also my first day of over 13,000 steps. I think the squats and other weight work is paying off.

    Janetr okc

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,526 Member

    Lillian in Saskatchewan – If y’all are out in the middle of a pasture; would making a ‘fire break’ with a tractor help any keeping the fire away from your house? I’d think it would have to be much wider than just one pass around with tractor/harrow. To burn here, we have to call the State Department of ??? to get permission to do so. If they say it is ‘ok’ (not too windy) … we burn when we can. We have a contained burn pile (in the wheel of a tractor) for weekly burning of trash.


    Fort McMurray is in the Boreal Forest - this fire was extremely active and fast - fueled by dry forest and wind. They used cats to make fire breaks but the flames were 4 stories high and the sparks travelled with the wind. I live 7 hours southeast of Fort McMurray - in the farmland. We are currently under a full fireban because it is soooo dry. Yes we have the sprinklers going on the yard around our house just to keep the grass green. We are allowed to have an open pit for garbage but we are not allowed to burn it, only allowed to compact it. In our house we recycle as much of our garbage as possible - so not a lot hits the pit. When we burn the slab pile at the sawmill (and only in the winter time) we have to phone the Provincial Fire office.

    Lillian in Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,526 Member
    Checking in.... some parts of the west are getting some moisture.... Woke up in Humboldt, Saskatchewan to my car covered in snow... !! Tried to bring some home with me but no such luck... no moisture for us!!

    Lillian in Saskatchewan
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Results of my DHs CTScan were good so we are celebrating. Next one in November but he's scoped every other month as well. Garden Club plant sale this Saturday so lots to do plus family get together on Sunday.

    MichellPretty yellow dress you need to make it the way it'll makes you feel extra special :)

    Lots of errands to run today
    GLo on the North Shore of Ma enjoying a glorious, sunny day!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,750 Member
    morning peeps
  • tracefork421
    tracefork421 Posts: 13 Member
    edited May 2016
    This is a picture of me with my 2 daughters, daughter-in-law and my grandchildren on Mother's Day. I am holding my granddaughter Quinn. I take care of her during the week for my daughter who is expecting her 2nd baby in August. We'll have 7 little grand babies under the age of 5. It is crazy when they're all together but very fun.

    Love the yellow dress. Great choice.
    Have to keep it short today, I have alittle one needing my attention. Have a great day.

    Jamie from Indiana
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Linda, you said, “Trying to get back to logging, exercising and finding my mojo!” And I thought I was doing bad? I need to find my mojo again, too. The one thing is I have never stopped logging. Take one day and one thing at a time. Log everything you put in your mouth, always! Then exercise when you can and hopefully for both of us, it will become a habit again. It’s been 3 weeks since I went to Line Dancing, because of conflicting schedules. Yesterday I got an email from the dance instructor saying they’ve missed me. I’ll be back there next Tuesday. It’s so easy to get out of a habit so we just have to work toward getting back into them. Good luck to both of us, girl!!!~ We can do this. dumbbell-lifting-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Pip, cool info on the soap in your bed.

    Miriam, I don’t necessarily think it’s good for Miss Maggie (lab) to lick the door but we’ve tried everything. We can stop her for a short period of time but it always starts again. For now we are blocking that door and feeding her out back rather than in the garage. Maybe the new habit of not doing it will help but I’m not holding out much hope. It did take years for her to lick the paint off. Our handyman said that dog has some toxic spit! LOL (later) Congrats on the jeans fitting loosely. Woo hoo

    Chris, that story was worth the wait!!! I love a good movie with a happy ending. Congrats on the new job and I hope it brings you more joy than money even. So happy PBF has graduated and I certainly hope things only get better!!! sweet-love-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Joyce, what a heartwarming story about your SIL. So glad things have worked out for her son.

    Saffron, I’m sure the first few months of my journey I lost 10 pounds in a month once or twice. There is no way to make it happen, it just does. I ate right and did a little exercise. Now it’s been months since I’ve lost any weight and I’m still eating the same things and exercising more. Your body just does what it does when it does it. Even though I have more weight to lose, I am so much healthier and feel so much better.

    Niki, glad you can laugh about your tomatoes in the fruit salad.

    Larisa, you are welcome to lurk when you want but it’s nice to see you peek your head out for a minute. Way to go on that exercising!!!! Wow, congrats on winning the fitness contest!! won-the-trophy-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Karen, sorry for the fall off the wagon but glad to hear you are hanging on. Take a deep breath and get ready to go again. You can do this.

    Heather, I’m with you in that I don’t like rushing. I hope you enjoy the theater and still find time to chat with your son.

    Katla, I hope you are enjoying the family and good for you on keeping up with your exercise routine.

    D, what a beautiful picture of the generations. You look wonderful!!!! Thanks for sharing.

    Joyce, I sure hope that tooth stops causing you pain soon. Things like that can get old fast!!!

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and all my labs were GREAT! My A1C was 5.1 and this is after a year of being off my diabetic meds. Yeah!!! All other labs were great too and he didn’t even mention the fact that I had gained 4 pounds. *Hanging head*. For years I’ve had bloodwork done every 3 months and we now are changing that to every 6 months. Now if I will just get on the stick and lose some weight! I got way behind again because of busy schedule so I will post this now and try to catch up the next two pages today. Of course you keep posting so there will be more than two pages. I love reading about all of your trials and adventures. I’m sending ((Hugs)) to all that want them and best thoughts for everyone. I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. good-afternoon-smiley-emoticon.gif]

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,750 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Jamie ~ Beautiful family.

    Michelle ~ I vote on the cap sleeves. They will make the dress more-up-to date I think.

    Going to lunch at Chinese with my son today. I don't get to see him often so to heck with the calories.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Just a fly-by, because I need to clear my brain from the "Crabarella" at work.

    I have been doing my best to eat the king to pauper-theory, and so far it is going well, but I am working very hard at keeping myself busy in the evenings, since evening boredom is my downfall.

    Plenty more bowling for DS this weekend. Since he took First Place in the Pepsi Regionals, he bowls at Pepsi State on Saturday. Then just a fun sweeper and BBQ on Sunday for the Travel League.

    DH isn't as excited about bowling during the off-season, but he is staying quite busy at work.

    Dad is still keeping busy, so that's good, too.

    DD found a WebSite to program music then record your voice and post it to the Internet, so I'm hoping that goes well for her, too.

    Okay, back to work.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,750 Member
  • sisslayne
    sisslayne Posts: 4 Member
    Hi,, I'm Sissy... How do I join this group?? Just jumping in where I can!!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Kim – I read back to the posts on the previous page, and your message struck a chord with me. A few years ago, when my sister died in my home, we told her kids first, then my sister, then my Mom’s family in Illinois. My cousin called at 10:30 pm and the first thing she said was “what the he11 happened”. A few weeks later I asked for an apology and was told “I’m sorry you feel like your feelings are hurt”. Some people are just too narcissistic to see flaws in themselves, or to care if their words hurt someone else, and “you can’t fix stupid”. Be strong in your faith in yourself, and have no regrets if you feel the need to release her from your thoughts. Hugs ! ! !

    Heather – I also ended a couples-friendship years ago, because the wife was just so verbally abusive to the husband, and I didn’t like the attitude I felt after spending time with her. More Hugs !

    Now, back to work. :):'(<3
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    My car broke down again on the way to work. Better now while I'm still the boss rather than when I become an employee on 6/1.

    I was taking out my summer clothes yesterday. I enjoy unpacking the clothes because it's like getting a whole new wardrobe and spending no money. These clothes have only been with me through 1 summer because my previous summer clothes were too big. I came across the dress that I'm wearing in my profile picture here and on the dating site which captured BF's attention. When I went to BF's home last night, I decided to bring it with me to show him that I still have it. It bought a big smile to his face, and then he said that it will probably be too big for me now. He offered to tailor it for me. His mother was a seamstress and he learned from her. What a man!!

    Chris in MA

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,380 Member
    edited May 2016
    Jamie - How wonderful! I think I'm lucky with just three! :love:

    Terri - I could never do my day that way round. I have to have my main meal in the evening or I feel seriously deprived. I also have dessert and cheese. I picked up that way round of doing things in France, where sitting down to an evening meal is the main event of the day. :D In country areas though, lunch is the biggest meal. I don't eat large quantities, or many carbs, but I like a "meal" , with a drink and courses. We spread it out over the evening, so our main dish is around 6.15, then dessert around 8.15 , then cheese a bit later. Then one sweet or chocolate. On holiday in France I usually manage to fit in a starter - just tiny nibbles, but I do like things coming in succession, not all in one go. :noway:

    I had a great meet up with my cancer friend. Lovely venue in the station. I had a beetroot and goats cheese salad and left a bit of the cheese. o:) Small glass of red wine. Very good espresso. Because I haven't been able to exercise today I will be over. DH has prepared dinner for me. <3 I did drag a suitcase around a bit though. :laugh:

    Nice to be home!

    Love Heather UK

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,750 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,835 Member
    my feet are killing me,poor Homer had tummy troubles alot last night so I didn't get much sleep... then I got up at 3:30 this morning when Tom left and started 2 loads of laundry.. then took the dogs for a walk and went to my dad's we got the mirror on the door and I finished up the frame around the cork board for Taliahs room,dad has 2 small projects to finish, one electrical outlet ,and paint the closet and her room is done.. I worked on boxing the stuff up that was in my daughters room closet and brought it downstairs... I was just about to leave when my brother and DSIL stopped in with the truck, and all he did was bark at me, what the he!! am I supposed to do with all this stuff, why dont you take it down to your house.. it is 50+ years of junk and collectables that have accumulated in the house.. he thinks I am overduing getting things picked up and that I should let them do stuff..I am just trying to get it liveable.... it is a freakin pig pen... so I left ,left him bitc-ing and came home...there were 2 messes from the dog in the dining room, had to get the last load of laundry out of the dryer and get the dogs outside.... also brought the chaise lounge up to the deck... which I should be sitting out on now, but have to finish making the bed and get dinner together.. I am over 8,000 steps and did 17 floors today...wish I could take a nap,but that would ruin tonights sleep
  • sisslayne
    sisslayne Posts: 4 Member
    I turned 51 in Jan.. trying to lose 100pnds one day at a time. Currently njoy doing Zumba, 3 days a week and now adding ripped into it. Total weight loss so far has been around 50pounds... slowly melting off but I'm so much happier, feel & look better.