annettemoe Member


  • My husband also had a major heart attack about 8 months ago. It is so tough to see our loved ones changing before our eyes. There are a number of things that you brought up...the depression is very real with men and heart attacks and often one of the side effects that is most difficult to deal with. Getting help for that…
  • Not sure how to join, but would love too! I went back for my Masters degree and spent the last few years doing homework instead of moving. I am proud of my education and stepping into my career (finally!) but want to focus on the healthy me now! I want to lose weight, but also want to be hearth healthy and body strong. I…
  • I'm in, but my goals seem small to everyone else. I am a brand new runner so right now a mile is a challenge. I have been increasing my movement to include walking,running, walking and increasing my time of movement. I think a realistic goal for April would be 20 miles...but I am not even sure how to gauge my distance yet.…
  • I am brand new to this running thing...My body hurts, I don't breath correctly, and I seriously hate it...but I also know it will come to the point where the pride in the accomplishment, the pride in my strength (both physical and mental), and the joy of running is going to be the well as being able to share…
  • I am sorry that you had a health WHAM. It does change everything! I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 32 when my kids were babies (6, 4, and 14 mos). Being realistic is important and being proud of yourself for the choices you are making in the here and now are too. What are you doing to manage your blood pressure? Have…
  • I don't know how to add people either...I am new to this site. But I have at least 40 to lose and would love some motivation pals! Week one has been great, but I have had a week off and allowed the whole focus to be a start on this I am back to real life responsibilities and trying to eat right on the run and…
  • I am right there with you...and for me the answer is to stretch more. I am struggling with the time to put into everything and now to add stretching to workouts and to real life...well, yeah! Yoga has been amazing but if you don't have time for a class check out some beginner poses and add those to your workout routine,…
  • Yes M'am! I have been in school for the last few years and have become so sedentary...It is time to get off my butt, get moving again, and be intentional about what I am putting in my mouth! So far this first week has been great...but today starts back to my responsibilities...I am concerned about that challenge but am…
  • Good for you! I am on day 6 since joining MFP and so proud of each and every day and the choices I am making toward better health and a fitter self! I have a lot further to go, but I am excited to make this a lifestyle instead of a diet! What changes are you making for yourself?
  • Me too! But so far I am very glad I started using this site...the journals are great for keeping on track, now it is about finding people who are sharing the journey! Good Luck to you! ~Annette