Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments
Thank you!!
Just a quick edit, i changed my instagram user name to: if anyone is interested.
thank you so much! :)
thank you!
Oh wow! Congrats man, that is fantastic!
that was a really great message, i'll have to write that one down in my notebook! Thank you. :smiley:
thanks so much guys!! you're all awesome. My confidence is sky high haha :smile:
congrats on your success and thank you!
thank you very much.
congrats on your success! Feels great when your clothes start getting big on you. (more shopping is always great!!) :)
Great decision. I think once you start checking the scales everyday it makes weight loss very disheartening. I do it once a week and even that feels like too much for me, but i do like to update my progress on the app every week. Think i'm even gonna cut it down to once per month because sometimes i feel like one week i…
ok thanks for the advice everyone. I'm think i'm gonna stop my treadmill workouts and instead i'll break up my exercise and do 30minutes on bike, 15mins before i do my weights and then 15minutes when finished my weights. Thanks all.
I'm not sure about these but i have read they help relief pain, i've ordered some compression socks just to try and see how that makes things feel. Really trying anything at the minute to help it as i love working out now and this is my only annoyance that could possibly stop me.
Thank you for all the compliments about my weight loss! I did infact get a new pair of gym shoes about 2 weeks ago that are indeed very comfortable. As for cardio, i'm typically doing 15 minutes bike, 15minutes walking at about 3mph with a steep incline on and off and then il do my weights routine which typically lasts…
i should add, i don't have diabetes. I got a full checkup before i started to change my life and everything came back good.
Thank you all so much for the replies! I got what everything i needed to know and then some. I opened my diary to public as asked. Also sent @sympha01 a personal thank you in her inbox! Again thanks so much for the help!