kaneporterhome Member


  • facts from science http://www.livestrong.com/blog/the-facts-on-why-burst-training-beats-steady-state-cardio/ I am doing exactly this now. I used to spend hrs wasted on cardio when i need to loose fat. Thats why i do HiT, yes its hard, you will be exhausted, you will be out of breath, muscles full of blood, but guess what…
  • your partly doing intermittent fasting. Your allowing your body the extra testosterone and growth hormone production before eating. Also any burning your doing is from existing energy sources not new. Logically thinking its obvious morning is better. Look up the 16|8 intermittent fasting and i expect your not far off it.…
  • I do HiT(burst) only 3 times a week for 20-25 mins(sometimes 4 if i have time). The important thing is to do something. Sometimes you need to be as low as you can be in yourself, to say ok now is the time to change. Then you do it, like i did. Make it a routine and thats how it goes, wake, gym, prepare food, go to work.…