There's a misconception about lifting weights and fat loss (which is the goal here): The act of lifting weights itself is intense but short lived and therefore can be relatively low caloric. However, if you are doing serious lifting, meaning ~4-8 reps to near failure for multiple sets and increasing weight regularly (doing…
Hey, good for you! I used to teach swimming. One question, the Y usually has adult swim classes, if there is one around. Otherwise, stay safe in the shallow end, and work on basics, breathing and stroke first: Reasonable goggles, you will find, provide some…
If you are looking for a protein supplement to help with satiety, I suggest Cassein (or egg). Also look for the 'isolate' types as they are closer to the pure protein and less fat/carbs on the side. However, you might also look for a protein bar as a snack when you get hungry: look for 20g of protein and less than 200 cal.
There was a lot of hype about fasted training awhile ago, and there are some supplements that apparently contribute to fat burning (caffeine, yohimbine, HMB) but the difference is trivial, and there is a significant liklihood that your workout will be less vigorous if you do. Also, in the fasted state without supplements…
So, my understanding is the issue with cardio and gaining muscle is the conflict your body perceives between stressors. Long distance running is hurt by carrying excess weight, so your body would tend to respond to that stimulus by reducing muscle mass that wasn't needed. How many buff marathoners do you see? However,…
So, my experience here is that grip strength might be your culprit. Really squeezing the bar in all these exercises is how you stabilize the wrist. Deads and carries are a good way to work on grip. I think wrist wraps would be a bandaid for this problem, not solving it. As for rehab, RICE is not the latest approach, look…
Rewarding yourself for exercise has been shown generally to be a losing strategy. You tend to overestimate calories burned and underestimate calories rewarded. You are better off setting a weekly level of expected activity, and using that to calculate calories (though even there I find MFP a bit high, I use this:…
There are a lot of 'diets' out there: keto, paleo, atkins, etc. One thing is to find a sensible, healthy program you can live with. I've found that If It Fits Your Macros works well for me and using MFP to track is VERY helpful. Every single bite of food goes in there. Here's the general plan I followed:…
pretty much a bust for weight or fat loss, but good for exercise recovery: Lots of research links in this article.
Calipers, then do the math (subtract fat from weight for LBM). I use a 7 point measurement but 4 points is about the same and easier to do alone... Some will argue about accuracy, but since I use the same points and methods, I'm consistent, and my current appearance is consistent with my BF #s. Yes, technically, I could…
I recently did a weight loss program and lost 55 lbs of fat, gained ~8 lbs LBM, in about 8 months. Most of the weight loss was done in 4 months. YMMV, but I started with Medifast which was severe calorie deficit but, against program rules, started a weight lifting program (not heavy.) I also supplemented 30g whey isolate…
Depends on goals: if losing/cutting, or strength is key goal, then lift first, I think heavy lifting is better for losing so prioritize that. If training for marathon, cardio first. You want to have the most in the tank for whatever is most important. Even better, separate them during the day and get the most out of both.…
Fat doesn't equal lazy, always. I was working out 5x/wk, lifting and running, and slowly got to +50 lbs. It wasn't until I took control of the eating that I lost, and interestingly I did it with LESS working out (though smarter).
I like the advice on this website, you might need a deload week, I take one about every 10 weeks: although it might seem counter intuitive, weak performance can be an indicator you need to back off a bit for a week. Also, you didn't describe your splits but its good to keep your…
Totally agree of heavy lifting. Check out and other articles. Heavy lifting, proper calorie count and macros.