Are fat people just lazy and make excuses?



  • MynameisChester
    MynameisChester Posts: 107 Member
    Simple answer. Same as any prejudice, it is wrong, unfair and ignorant.

    I agree!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I'm not fat but I am incredibly lazy. In fact it's because I am incredibly lazy that I am in pretty good shape.

    Why? Because I want maximum results for the least amount of effort.

    This causes me to research methods to make whatever I am pursuing as efficient and time effective as possible and then apply those methods. Suffering for the sake of suffering is patently idiotic in my opinion.

    So I would say fat people are actually making more effort but are just a bit dense*...

    (*not really)
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I'm not fat. I'm not any more or less lazy than when I was fat; I just prioritize different things.

    This is how feel, although I do still have a fair bit to lose. I am a lazy and low-energy person. This has always been true for me regardless of my weight. Being lazy didn't make me fat. It probably helped get and keep me there, but it wasn't the root cause. Losing weight takes work and I assume maintenance will as well. As lemurcat stated, I am just shifting my priorities to make losing and eventually maintaining my weight fit higher on the list.

    I don't think it is true or fair to make these kind of broad sweeping statements. I have a family member is very high energy (haven't decided if she is lazy or just flaky). She is also very thin. Is she thin because she is high energy or is she thin because she seems to subsist primarily on coffee, alcohol, and smoking weed?
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    For me personally - yes... when I was fat, I was just lazy and making excuses. I would never judge others because I don't know the situation they're in.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    It's a bit more complicated than that. Everyone's different. I try to avoid blanket judgment in this type of issue because we can never know the complete picture of a stranger.

    I'll admit that I do get frustrated when I hear people making excuses here at MFP, and I'm still extremely fat. It could be that people have lost all the weight moved past those excuses and are frustrated as well. It could be they are jerks with no self awareness. Again, don't know the complete picture.

    Me? I had medical issues making me "lazy". Physically. Yet I was still super busy and did a lot. Just not for myself. I was still completely lazy with caring about the quantities I was eating. I didn't make excuses for it then, though. I just stuffed myself anyway. Some people in a similar situation no doubt had excuses, some didn't.
  • Char231023
    Char231023 Posts: 700 Member
    I wouldn't say that they are lazy per say. I do think they make excuses, not about working out, but about the food the eat. Whether it to justify a mood they are in or they can't control them selves our certain food. The list of excuses to over eat can be a long one.

  • gember85
    gember85 Posts: 114 Member
    I was fat because I got lazy and ate all day simple truth.