UpstateKaren Member


  • Great points in the article...with aging parents, my own changes in balance as I age and a 21 y/o with autism who can't safely navigate the world without guidance it's something that we think of in our house all of the time. But it never hurts to be of my biggest no-nos is to leave motrin and other OTC meds…
  • my "one thing" doesn't seem to happen very often - I opted to stand up and take any phone calls rather than sitting at my desk in the kitchen....the phone never rang once all day! BUT I've gotten nearly 16,000 steps on my fitbit and usually I'm lucky to get 8-9,000! So my "one thing" is going to become "two…
  • Signed up for a minimum of 11,000 steps a day on my fitbit...and a silver medal...This is great far today I've gotten 16,000 steps ! Yippee
  • I've been following this but not writing so now.... Trigger: the phone rings One Thing: the phone is at my kitchen desk so I automatically sit down and take the call. Now I will take the cordless phone and walk around the kitchen while talking. Reward: Less time on the phone (I don't particularly like talking on it) and…
  • "Don't wait for perfect conditions..." was written for me, to me and about me. It seems like nearly everything I do I set these preconditions..... for example, I'll do my treadmill time as soon as I clean the bathrooms but then the phone rings, or my son is hungry or the dog wants out and the day is nearly over and the…
  • I went out to lunch today with an old friend I haven't seen in awhile. I really wanted to order a cocktail and a juicy burger or cheesy italian dish but I ordered a salad with grilled shrimp and a side of grilled zucchini and guess what? I still laughed like crazy and had a great friend. My tip is that it's the company…
  • Day 4 and still tracking....and not licking my fingers so much! haha
  • Before I even knew what I was doing I licked the sour cream off my finger after putting a spoonful on my son's baked potato.....and I logged that lick for an extra 3 calories! So much intake is done without even realizing it.